Orange County NC Website
72 <br />Kimberly A. Brewer, A./.C.P. <br />Senior P/saner <br />Charlotte-Meckleubnrg Post-Co+tstruction Ordiuance Development - Mecklenbterg Cormty Phase II jurisdictions <br />development withoutotfurthermanagement, assisted in developimg cost tools d site evaluation to 1(SET) thatpcould f <br />meyswes arnc d glo Mnnpact development (LID)and green infrastruoture designPpresented waterhed and site eat <br />scale modeling results as well as cososb onsfruction ord'man a prow snons Unanimously adopted by 22-member <br />option, and assisted in developing p <br />stakeholder committee. <br />City ofHigh Poiut Deep River I {{'ntershed Assessueeut Plart -City of High Point, NC. Managed project for a <br />State and is eurrentlytimplemented, involves an innovative Phtosphorus Banking prlogram ass well asllow impact he <br />enwwage LIDLand green nfrastructwe W on 2000 NCAPA Award for P1antImple nentation for Mul pleo <br />Jurisdictions. <br />City ojChicngo Stornnvater Ordletnuce and Design Manaal -City ojChicago, ILL. een desithe foryne v hicago in <br />developing a draft stormwater management ordinance and design manual requiring "gr gn» <br />development and redevelopment. Assisted in drafting ordinance, working with multiple City Departments in <br />ordinance with drafttdesign ma ual developmentnd hich incorporates I w-impact design tecl iquesmated drag <br />~ec~ed officials and diver+se 23Smember stakel o der group to develop and adoptoatcomprehensive wstershed <br />management plan for the County. Led in development of management plan objectives; of indicators and targets <br />related to management objectives; evaluation of alternative management approaches; management p an <br />and slow-impact <br />development; outreach; low-impact design education for local staff and development community <br />design pilot program. Developed and wrote Rockdale County Stormwater Management Administrative Review <br />Process. <br />Upper-Neuse Local-State Watershed Mnuageutent Framework. Upper Neese River Basin Association NC. Protect <br />Basin This framework links an U per NeueaManagement Cycle with the Statre oof North CarolinapsNeuse se River <br />Basinwide management cycle. This framework incloudesntagreed Peture,a d ndicatas for tracking success. toes and <br />timelines, parMer responsibilities, amulti-agency g <br />Upper Netrse Watershed Mana%entent Plmt. Upper Neuse Bnsht Iotection and habits d'trnPa tsrin eaglrt tlidrjak ngm <br />developing watershed management plans to address water supply p <br />water supply. watersheds. Plans were tailored for local governments to meet adopted goals and measurable targets, <br />and include on-site performance standards for stormwater management: Included planning and participating in a 2- <br />day low-impact design workshop For local elected offtcials and staff, developers and designers. <br />Corte Creek Reservoir Watershed Study. Orange 6Yater and Sewer Authority NC. Worked with a diverse <br />community advisory committee. Assisted in developing and tailoring measurable indicand screening wateo hed <br />watershed study; designing the economic impact analysis; and developing, evaluating, <br />management options. Assisted in presenting and writing the study findings. <br />D~stgned and developedtco eSraiPning ccourses fortlocaltlstatesand ffederal officialgns on how to implement the y <br />watershed management approach. Draft course materials include 101 -Principles of W atershed Management, 104 - <br />Executive Managers' Watershed Management Short Course, and 105 -Watershed Management Tools. <br />