<br />Kimberly A. Brewer, A.LC.P.
<br />Senior Planner
<br />M.R.P., City and Regional Planning, University of North Cazolina, 1985
<br />B.A., Economics, Wake Forest University, 1981
<br />Registrations and Certifications
<br />American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) 1991
<br />Throughout her 25 years of water resources planning and management experience, Ms. Brewer has wupled technical
<br />and policy analysis with stakeholder facilitation to developvmovative, cost-effective watershed protection and green
<br />design strategies. As a planning consultant, she has assisted in conducting numerous local watershed protection
<br />studies, pioneered approaches for low-impact design, and eo-designed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's
<br />Watershed Academy. Prior to consulting, Ms. Brewer worked 11 yeazs in local, state, and regional agencies, gaining
<br />extensive experie~rce in program development and management in the azeas of water resource protection. Ms.
<br />Brewer's experience working with government agencies and diverse stakeholder groups, along with her practical
<br />experience studying and implementing cost-effective innovations, allows her to understand different perspectives
<br />and to design strategies that meet multiple objectives. Ms. Brewer Iras been the facilitator, principal planner and cost
<br />analyst on watershed management projects, providing comprehensive watershed management planning services,
<br />including watershed management plans and implementation strategies, Stormwater program development, ordinance
<br />review and development to encourage LID and green infrastructure ,site design evaluation tools for BMPs, fraining,
<br />LID pilot projects and case studies, and public education/outreach. These projects have incorporated onsite
<br />performance standards, lots-impact development design, conservation offsets, phosphorus banking, and other
<br />innovative techniques.
<br />Selected Watershed and Stormwater Management Experience
<br />Third Fork Creek Watershed Plaro - City of Durham, NC. Assisting in project to prepare a watershed management
<br />plan and implementation plan for restoring watershed function .Currently working with City Coordinating Team to
<br />establish core watershed restoration goals ,objectives, indicators, and benchmazks that wilt provide a consistent
<br />framework for conducting watershed assessments and management plans city-wide. Also establishing goals and
<br />objectives unique to Third Fork Creek. Assisting in critical lands protection analysis, riparian area management
<br />planning, and review of existing code, ordinances, criteria, policies, and procedures to support the City's restoration
<br />efforts.
<br />Lansing Storarrva[er Ordinance-City ofLansing, MI. Currently assisting the City of Lansing in developing a
<br />stormwater ordinance that tneets Phase II stormwter requirements as well and regional stormwater management
<br />policies which encourage the use of Low Impact Development. Assisthrg in the review of local ordinances to
<br />recommend revisions needed to implement-the new Stormwater ordinance and further etdrance use of Low Impact
<br />Development and green infrastmeture techniques.
<br />Athens-Clarke County Watershed Lrrprovement Program -Athens-Clarke County (ACC), GA. Currently lead
<br />planner and facilitator in developing a Watershed Improvement Program, including protocols to be used by ACC
<br />staff in developing watershed management plans county-wide. The project includes using three pilot watersheds to
<br />develop program goals, objectives, indicators, and benchmarks; to develop and apply protocols to be used in
<br />monitoring and watershed characterization; and to develop and apply protocols for management strategy
<br />development and evaluation. The program is (inked to the linked to the ACC comprehensive plan and sustainability
<br />policies. - ----
<br />beaver Lake Watershed Managwnent Plmr -Northwest Arkansas Council, AR Co-facilitator and lead planner for
<br />the Beaver Lake watershed management planning process for Northwest Arkansas Council focused on restoration of
<br />streams designated as impaired waters and protection of regional drinking water supply. Conducted regulatory and
<br />planning analysis, co-facilitated Policy Advisory Group, developed goals and objectives, evaluated management
<br />