Orange County NC Website
5 <br />This project will involve four (4) distinct phases: <br />i. Working with staff, the consultant will evaluate the existing development regulations and <br />existing graphics contained within the various Ordinances. This process will involve <br />reviewing various graphics and diagrams for: <br />a. Compliance with all applicable Local, State, and Federal regulations (i.e. NC <br />DOT standards, DENR stormwater standards, etc), and <br />b. Success at conveying the intended standard, <br />2. Review, with staff, all proposed revised regulatory standards and identify ways to <br />represent proposed regulations in a visuaUgraphic manner, <br />3. Re-package all graphics/diagrams into the draft UDO by March 2010 for public review <br />and presentation at the August 2010 Quarterly Public Hearing, and <br />4. Assist staff with the completion of a final UDO synopsis outlining all public comments <br />relating to the development of the document as well as identifying possible future <br />amendments to address citizen concerns. This document shall also be presented at the <br />August 2010 Quarterly Public Hearing. <br />lp• Procedures -Submitting Response: <br />Completed proposals shall be submitted to the County Planning Department no later than noon <br />on Wednesday November 25, 2009. <br />All interested firms shall send an e-mail indicating their ~co orat ~~ nctusent of filing a response <br />to Michael D. Harvey by November 6, 2009 at <br />All e-mail notifications, as well as any other correspondence sent to the County relating to this <br />RFP, must contain within the subject line of the e-mail the words "Orange County UDO RP'P". <br />The purpose of this e-mail notification requirement is to allow staff to send to all interested firms <br />any modifications, updates, or answers to general project questions that would benefit all parties. <br />Interested bidders are invited to submit written questions they may have relating to this project. <br />All questions must be N vember 11, 2009 ~ All questions ew it be compiled, and aecomplete list <br />Michael D. Harvey, by <br />of written questions and answers will be forwarded to all firms that have sent an email indicating <br />intent to respond to the RFP. <br />The proposals must conform to the requirements set forth in this RFP, and shall include the <br />following: <br />1. A cover letter identifying the firm, or firms proposed for a team approach for the project. <br />2. An explanation on how the consultant will adhere to the scope of work including a <br />proposed work timeline/schedule that corresponds with the timeline outlined herein. This <br />narrative should include an explanation of the following: <br />a. An indication of your understanding of the project, <br />b. The proposed approach to the project consistent with the timeline outline 0/23/2009 <br />