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zl <br />structure to the public. Staff shall be responsible for <br />documenting and detailing public comments, suggestions, <br />and concerns. <br />These comments, suggestions, and concerns shall be <br />addressed in preparation of the Implementation Bridge. <br />C. Task Three -Public Hearing Draft UDO and Annotated Outline for the <br />August 23, 2010 Quarterly Public Hearing: Clarion personnel will be <br />responsible for taking the first draft UDO, prepared by the County, and <br />reformatting it to serve as a draft for Public Hearing. Clarion will not be <br />reviewing the document for content or substance, but focusing on formatting <br />and presentation of the regulations. This task will include inserting graphics <br />and reformatting for publication quality fit and finish. During this Task, the <br />Consultant will also be working to complete the Implementation Bridge <br />described below. $5,000 of the project budget will be set aside for production <br />of graphics to include in the new UDO. <br />The Implementation Bridge that will be prepared as part of this Task will <br />include a summary of issues, comments, suggestions, and concerns, along <br />with strategies for addressing these. The Implementation Bridge will discuss <br />the structure and use of the new UDO, and identify issues and opportunities <br />for inclusion in subsequent amendments to the new UDO. (The length of the <br />Implementation Bridge is expected to be 15-17 pages.)All comments received <br />as part of the review of the initial drafts of the UDO shall be compiled within <br />the Implementation Bridge as well. <br />At the August 2010 Quarterly Public Hearing the Consultant, along with staff, <br />will present the public hearing draft of the UDO and the Implementation <br />Bridge to the BOCC and Planning Boatd for review and comment. <br />Meeting Targets: May through July 2010 -Consultant shall meet with <br />staff, as needed, to review reformatting options for the <br />UDO project and the Implementation Bridge (two on-site <br />meetings, and telephone discussions as needed). <br />August 23, 2010 -Quarterly Public Hearing. Consultant <br />to attend. <br />September through November 2010 -The Consultant <br />will work with staff to address necessary revisions to the <br />Implementation Bridge in person or via conference call <br />(estimate one on-site meeting). Consultant will commit <br />up to $1,500 of project budget for time related to <br />revisions to the UDO. Consultant shall be available to <br />complete additional revisions on a time and materials <br />basis. <br />