Orange County NC Website
z <br />Clarion Associates was also selected for its extensive knowledge and understanding of Orange <br />County. In addition to the Orange County 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Clarion completed the <br />Town of Hillsborough/Orange County Strategic Growth Plan and is under contract with the Town <br />to complete a UDO and an Annotated Outline. <br />The proposed contract with Clarion Associates, including the complete Scope of Services, is <br />provided as Attachment 3. The contract amount is $30,000. In general, services are to include: <br />1. Task One -Project Initiation and Assessment: The Consultant will meet with <br />County staff to review/assess existing regulations and graphics. During this Task, <br />the Consultant will identify areas within ordinance text where graphics would be <br />beneficial to support written regulations and improve understanding. <br />This step will also involve identification of improvements to existing regulations that <br />could be addressed through this, and future processes. <br />2. Task Two -First Draft UDO: The Consultant will propose and County staff and <br />Consultant will agree on an outline for the restructuring and format of the revised <br />UDO. The Consultant will also provide formatting suggestions and identify the <br />topical areas in the new UDO where graphics/illustrations can/should be included. <br />The Consultant will not be expected to re-write existing regulations for inclusion <br />within the UDO. This is staff's responsibility. During this Task, the Consultant will <br />be compiling options on how to possibly revise other regulations to be expressed in <br />the Implementation Bridge, described in Task Three, which is a primary focus of the <br />Consultant's contract. <br />3. Task Three -Public Hearing Draft UDO and Annotated Outline for the August <br />23, 2010 Quarterly Public Hearing: The Consultant will be responsible for taking <br />the first draft UDO, prepared by the County, and reformatting it to serve as a draft <br />for Public Hearing. The Consultant will not be reviewing the document for content or <br />substance, but focusing on formatting and presentation of the regulations. This <br />Task will include inserting graphics and reformatting for publication quality fit and <br />finish. During this Task, the Consultant will also be working to complete the <br />Implementation Bridge. <br />The Implementation Bridge that will be prepared as part of this Task will include a <br />summary of issues, comments, suggestions, and concerns, along with proposed <br />strategies to address. The Implementation Bridge will discuss the structure and use <br />of the new UDO and identify issues and opportunities for inclusion in subsequent <br />amendments to the new UDO. <br />Attachment 4 includes the complete project timetable. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The BOCC provided $32,600 in this year's 2009-2010 budget, <br />Departmental Contract Services Account, to complete this BOCC priority. The costs of <br />consulting services as outlined in the proposed contract are not to exceed $30,000. The <br />additional $2,600 not included in this contract was budgeted for advertising, copying and printing <br />expenses. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the attached <br />contract with Clarion Associates for $30,000 and authorize the Chair to sign the contract. <br />