Orange County NC Website
19 <br />Attaclmlent 3.1 <br />CONTRACT ATTACHMENT ONE -SCOPE OF SERVICES: <br />The following is a detailed scope of services outlining the timeline and deliverables for <br />the UDO project. This expands on the information detailed within the attached contract, <br />specifically the milestone dates contained within Section Three -Basic Services: <br />A. Task One -Project Initiation and Assessment: Clarion will meet with <br />County staff as outlined below in this section, to review/assess existing <br />regulations and graphics. During this task, Clarion will identify areas within <br />ordinance text where graphics would be beneficial to suppott written <br />regulations and improve understanding. <br />This step will also involve identification of improvements to existing <br />regulations that could be addressed tlttough this, and future processes. <br />Meeting Targets: March 10, 2010 -One meeting with consultant and staff <br />to review process fot• project, begin reviewldiscussion of <br />existing reformatting and gtaphic issues, and review <br />timeline. The Consultant shall review graphics for the <br />new UDO with staff, and review with staff the <br />goals/objectives of the County contained within the 2030 <br />Comprehensive Plan. The consultant shall review with <br />staff existing examples of modern UDO's from other <br />communities, for identification of ideas to include in <br />Orange County's new UDO. The consultant will also <br />discuss with staff the operation of existing regulations, <br />from the staff perspective. <br />March/April 2010 -Consultant will attend, with staff, <br />two (2) community outreach meetings to review new <br />regulations to be incorporated into the UDO and <br />formatting options with the public. Staff shall be <br />responsible for documenting and summarizing public <br />comments, suggestions, and concerns. <br />These comments, suggestions, and concerns shall become <br />part of the Implementation Bridge, described below in <br />Task Three. <br />March 31, 2010 -Consultant shall deliver to staff an <br />initial memorandum (expected length of approximately <br />five pages) summarizing initial findings fiom the March <br />meetings described above, including preliminary <br />recommendations addressing existing contradictions and <br />inconsistencies in the UDO that have been identified, <br />issues with existing graphics, and possible reformatting <br />options for the UDO with a follow-up meeting or <br />conference call. <br />