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148 <br />Article 30-3: Zoning Districts <br />Section E: Business Base Zoning Disvicts <br />Subsection 4: Community Commercial (CC) Disvict <br />4. COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) DISTRICT <br />Lot area, min. (sq ft) <br />Lot width, min. (ft) <br />Gross residential density, max <br />max, (% of lot <br />Height, max (k) <br />Front and corner side setback <br />min. (ft) [3] <br />Side setback min. (ft) [3] <br />Rear setba <br />min. <br />The Community Commercial (CC) Disvict is established and intended to accommodate a <br />diverse range of medium- to high-intensity retail, service, and ~ ce uges that p ho ide g°O ntersa <br />services serving the residents and businesses in d hew r dommearcial su eg (subject to approval <br />convenience stores, retail sales establishments, <br />of a Special Use Permit (See Section 30-2.<>•))• The disvict is typically located along major <br />arterials, at the intersection of arterials, and along growth corridors identified in city plans. <br />Higher-density residential uses are encouraged on the upper floors of nonresidential <br />establishments, and may exist as stand-alone buildings as part of a larger horizontal mixed-use <br />de tiloPrmr~ mdine u e's as wlell aslthe design standards in Article 30 5: Devellopme trStandardsble <br />~ 8,000 15,000 nla <br />10,000 ~a <br />45 <br />12 nla <br />n/a 16 __ <br />65 - <br />25; I S where abutting a <br />65 single-family zoning district <br />or use <br />25; 60 ft from street centerline ~ Not allowed in fron4 corner <br />side, or side yard areas <br />3; I S where abutting asingle-family zoning district or use 20 <br />3; 20 where abutting an alley orsingle-family zoning district or use <br />20 <br />nta <br />(ft) Zero lot line development shall comply with the applicable maximum gross resraenua, ~_~ ~~w <br />standards. Setbacks for lots abutting the perimeter of the development shall meet the disvict <br />Zero lot line development minimums; otherwise no setbacks, lot area, lot coverage, or building spacing requirements shall <br />apply. <br />Open Space Set-Aside (% of Residential uses: :Nonresidential and mixed-uses: [to be determined in Module 3] <br />parcel size) to I p ercent for development located within an "incentive area' as <br />NOTES: [l] Gross residential density may be intreased by up p <br />identified on the official zoning map. uare feet in size or 30% of the allowable lot coverage. <br />[2] Accessory structurestuse areas shall not exceed the lesser of. 1,500 sq <br />[3] Minimum setbacks for nonresidential. multi-family, and mixed-uses shall be increased by five feet for all building walls 25 feet or <br />more above grade. <br />ss The CC district combines the CI, C IP, and C3 disvict regulaGOns. None of the cwrent disvlcts include a minimum lot s¢e standard minimum <br />~~~ lot width, ma~mum lot coverage, or height We have suggested an a bpr~ tovrards shorter~rso'ucwto~65 fThe setbacks ha a been reduced fr«n the <br />will also apply that relate to contexwal heights, roof forms, and "step <br />CI district requiremems to limit the creation of nonconformitles. City of Fayetteville, North Carolina <br />June 2009 Unified Developmen[ Ordinance- Module Two Public Review Draft (REVISED) <br />Page 3-25 <br />