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144 <br />Rear setback min. (k) [3] 25; 20 for corner lots or lots served by alleys 5 <br />20 <br />Spacing between buildings, min. (fr} <br />Zero lot line development shall comply with the applicable maximum gross residential density <br />standards. Setbacks for lots abutting the perimeter of the development shall meet the disvict <br />Zero lot line development minimums; otherwise no setbacks, lot area, lot coverage, or building spacing requirements <br />shall apply. <br />Open Space Set-Aside (% of parcel size) Residential uses: :Nonresidential and mixed-uses: [to be determined In Module 3] <br />Notes: [I] Gross residential density may be increased by up to 10 percent for development bated within an "incentive area' as idendfie. <br />on the official zoning map. <br />[2] Accessory svucturesfuse areas shall not exceed the lesser of. 1,200 square feet in size or 25% of the allovrable lot coverage. <br />t31 Minimum setbacks for nonresidential, muld-family, and mbced-uses shall be increased by fire feet for all building walls 25 feet or more <br />sa The OI disvitt is new and coruolidates the provisions from the P I, P2, and P4 districts N die current ordinance. There are a number of changes <br />on dja entedistritts fora eside~ndals ndards)NThe OI dismtt establishes d'Afererrtc ott i es and de eFty btandards based upor ~eatype elThe new OI <br />disvitt increases the lot coverage figures from the current threshold of 35%a and proposes a new height limit that will allow 3-and 4-story buildings. <br />The exisdng setbacks for the PI, P2, and P4 d'rsrritts are generally carried forward by the new OI disvitt <br />... .. .,..._.._r:_. <br />_. ...r-.--,-_ <br />dune 2009 Unified Development Ordinance- Module Two Public Review Draft (REVISED) <br />Page 3-21 <br />