Orange County NC Website
143 <br />Article 30-3: Zoning Districts <br />Section E Business Base Zoning Districts <br />Subsection I: General Purposes <br />GENERAL PURPOSES <br />The business base zoning districts are established for the general purpose of ensuring there are lands in the city that <br />provide a wide range of once, retail, service, industrial, and related uses to meet household and business needs, and <br />more specifically to: <br />(a) Provide appropriately located lands (or the full range of business uses needed by the city's residents, <br />Vision Plan, the Cumbeerland Ciounty La d Use Plan, funccionalsplans, andcapplka le smalOarefa planowth <br />(b) Strengthen the city's economic base, and provide employment opporcunities close co home for <br />residents of the city and surrounding communities; <br />(c) Create suitable environments for various types of business uses, and protect them from the adverse <br />effects of incompatible uses; <br />(d) Create suitable environments for various types of mixed use development, where business, office, <br />. retail, and residential uses are designed and integrated in compatible ways; <br />(e) Supporc the military and governmental activities taking place in the vicinity; <br />(f) Preserve the unique character and historic resources of the downtown; <br />(g) Minimize the impact of business development on residential districts and uses. <br />City OT raye~~nrmq ..... ... __. _.__ <br />Unified Development Ordinance- Module Two Public Review Draft (REVISED <br />3-20 <br />