Orange County NC Website
141 <br />Article 30-3: Zoning Districts <br />Section D: Residential Base Toning Districts <br />Subsection 7: Mixed Residential 5 (MR-5) Districr. <br />uses: : <br />be determined in Module <br />Jpen apace oe~-.v~~~ r_ _. ~-. <br />NOTES: [I] Including Iivelwork units and upper-story residential deve opmen <br />[2] Incases where lot area and gross density conflict, the standard resulting in the lesser number of dwelling units shall control. <br />[3] Gross residential density and maximum height may be increased through provision of sustainable development features in accordance <br />with Section 30-3.DA, Sustainable Development PmNces. <br />[4]Accessory struauresluse areas shall not exceed the lesser of: 1,200 square feet in size or 25% of the allowable lot coverage. <br />[5] Minimum setbacks for multi-family and nonresidential uses shall be increased by five feet for all building walls 2S feet or more above <br />8mde F:_.._e an.z.<>: MR•5 Typical Building Form <br /> <br />®'f p'® <br />® A <br />~ "' a <br />Figure 30 3.<> MR 5 Typical BuildinglLot Configuration <br />3-18 <br />Fayetteville, North l.arounn <br />Development Ordinance- Module Two Public Review Drak (REVISED) <br />_. ___ ,~ : ~~. ma-5 Tvnical Lot Pattern <br />