Orange County NC Website
14 <br />until the parties resolve the dispute. Payment for Basic Services shall become due and <br />payable in direct proportion to satisfactory services performed and work accomplished. <br />Payments will be made as percentages of the whole as Project milestones as set out in <br />Section 3(a)(ii} are achieved. (For example, if there are 10 Project Tasks with Milestone <br />~knorvledge~entt of the satisfactoryorem~pletion of Task tone.iil2Upon~he County's <br />acknoxdedgement that the second Task has been satisfactorily completed Provider may <br />im~oiee for the next 10% of the whole.) <br />b. Additional Services. County shall not be responsible for costs related to any services in <br />addition to the Basic Services performed by Provider unless County requests such <br />additional services in writing and such additional services axe evidenced by a written <br />amendment to this Ageement. <br />6. Responsibilities of the County <br />a. <br />Coo eration and Coordination. The County has designated the (Plamling Director) to <br />act as the County's representative with respect to the Project and shall have the authority <br />to render decisions within guidelines established by the County Manager and/or the <br />County Board of Commissioners and shall be available during working hours as often as <br />may be reasonably required to render decisions and to furnish information. <br />7. Insurance <br />a. General Requirements. The Provider shall purchase and maintain and shall cause each of <br />his subcontractors to purchase and maintain, during the period of performance of this <br />Agreement: <br />i) Worker's Compensation Insurance for protection from claims under workers' or <br />workmen's compensation acts; <br />ii) Comprehensive General Liability Insurance covering claims arising out of or <br />relating to bodily injury, including bodily injury, sickness, disease or death of any <br />of the Provider's employees or any other person and to real and personal property <br />including loss of use resulting thereof; <br />iii) Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance, including hired and non-owned <br />vehicles, if any, covering personal injury or death, and property damage; and <br />b. Insuran__ ~e Itating• The minimum insurance rating for arty company insuring the Provider <br />shall be Best's A. <br />iv) Professional Liability Insurance, covering personal injury, bodily injury and <br />property damage and claims arising out of or related to the performance under this <br />Agreement by the Provider or his agents, Providers and employees. <br />c. Limits of Coverage. Minimum limits of insurance coverage shall be as follows: <br />Revised February 2010 <br />