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138 <br />Article 30-3: Zoning Districts <br />Section D: Residential Base Zoning Disvicts <br />Subsection 6:Single-Family Residendal 6 (SF-6) District <br />6. SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 6 (SF-6) DISTRICT <br />The Single-Family Residential 6 (SF-6) District is esablished and intended to accommodate principally <br />single-family detached residential development at moderate densities, that is designed to respond to <br />environmental and site conditions. It also accommodates two- tofour=family dwellings and zero lot <br />line development subject to the requirements of this Ordinance. All uses in the district are subject to <br />the design standards in Article 30-5: Development Standards. District regulations discourage any use <br />that substantially interferes with the development ofsingle-family dwellings and that is detrimental to <br />the quiet residential nature of the district Also allowed are Complementary uses usually found in <br />residential zoning disvicts, such as parks, open space, minor utilities, accessory dwellings, schools, and <br />Lot area per unit, min. {sq ft) 6•~ y'~ <br />nla <br />Lot width, min. (k) <br />60 <br />Gross residential density, max 9.6; 10.9 for zero lot line development ~a <br />(dwelling units/acre) [2] <br />Lot coverage, max 40 [I] <br />(% of lot area) 25; I S where abutting a <br /> <br />3S single-family zoning <br />Height. max (ft) district or use <br />Front and corner side setback, <br />25; 50 from sweet centerline Not allowed in front, <br />side, or corner side <br />min. (k) (3] setbacks <br />Side setback min. (k) [3] 10 <br />Rear setback min. (k) [3] <br />30; I S when corner side setback is 25 or more <br />S <br />Soacinz, between buildings min. n/a 20 S <br />(tt) <br />Zero lot line development must be on a site or trace of 40,000 square feet or more, sha comp y <br />with the maximum gross residential density standards, and shall require a special use permit (See <br />Zero lot line development Section 30.2.3.<>) when proposed on a lot or site smaller than three acres In a developed portion of <br />the city. Setbacks for lots abutting the perimeter of the development shall meet the disvict <br />minimums; otherwise no setbacks, lot area, lot coverage, or building spacing requirements shall apply. <br />Open Space Set-Aside (% of Residential uses: :Nonresidential and mixed-uses: [to be determined In Module 3] <br />so The SF-6 distict cables forward malty of the R6 distict provisions with a few exceptions. The current provisions do trot Include any derssity <br />requirements, but one is added (9.6 DU/acre), and is subjett to the density rounding standards discussed in earlier footnoces. The current standards_ <br />allow detached dwellings, zero lot line, and condominium developments to use a sliding scale for minimum lot size where lot size may be reduced to <br />as small as 4,000 square feet per unit as the number of units increase. We have revised this approach by holding lot size comtant for detached <br />dwellings, allowing attached residential and two- [o four-family dwellings on 5,900 square foot lots. In terms of zero lot line development, each <br />development is required to have 40,000 square feet In development size, and the lot area requirements are removed in favor of density limitations. <br />Lot coveage limiations are increased from 35% to 40% to facilitate infdl (subject to new design standards). Flnally, the disvitt crow indudes a 10 <br />percent density bonus for new development «curring within designated "incentive areas'. <br />June 2009 City of Fayetteville, North Carolina <br />Page 3-I S Unified Development Ordinance- Module Two Public Review Drak (REVISED) <br />