Orange County NC Website
136 <br />Article 30-3: Zoning Districts <br />Section D: Residential Base Zoning Districts <br />Subsection 5: Single-FumlY Residential 10 (SF-10) Disvict <br />SINGLE=FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 10 (SF-10) DISTRICT <br />The Single-Family Residentia110(SF-10)Disvictisestaousne~~~°~~~•••••~---- <br />detached residential development at low denSities,~ da prang m °dhatfl~pond tot environmental <br />development that provides variable housing types <br />and site conditions. Uses within the district are subject to the design standards in Article 30-5: <br />Development Standards. The disvict accommodates two- tofour-family dwellings designed to appear <br />as sin¢e•fam11Y detached homes and zero lot line development subject to the requirements of this <br />Ordinance. Disvict regulations discourage any use that subsrantlally Interferes vrith the development <br />ofsingle-family dwellings and that is detrimental to the quiet residendal nature of the disvict so <br />such as arks, open space, <br />allowed are complementary uses usually found in residential zoning districts, <br />.. _ _ _.:r..:,... ,~~occnrv dwellings of up to B00 square feet in size'r, elementary schools, and places of <br />~; IS whereabuttinga <br />single-family zoning <br />disvict or use <br />vot allow---~- ed In fr°"t, <br />side, or corner side <br />setbacks <br />Side setback min. (ft) [3] <br />Zero lot line development must be on a site or tract ot'w,wv'y°°' "`-' -' "~- <br />comply vdththe maximum gross residential density sandards, and shall require a special <br />use permit (See Section 30-2.3 <>) when proposed on a lot or site smaller than three acres <br />in a developed portiomo h~ d stv a m nimusm~rotherwi eI no setbacks, lot a~ea~ lot <br />--- <br />n Accessory dwelling units help the city meet its goals of housing option diversity, and help accommoda[e modem Irving arrangemenss suc as <br />parenss or gcandParenss Imng ~~ a family Accessory dwelling units do rwt coumtowards density requirements, but sixh structures are limited to a_ <br />4s These standards arty forward the current RI O standards with a few exceptions. The current standards do not include a gross density figure, and <br />maximum size of 600 square feet <br />one is proposed here. In addition, the current standards have a scaled approach to lot aces where subsequent dwelling units may have reduced lot <br />size. For the sake of simplicity, this sated approach is proposed for removal. New use types and lot saes have also been added. <br />4s The new UDO will albw density rounding as b done in Cumberland County. In ases where a sties acreage allows a gross density that exceeds a <br />whole number by 0.6 or more, the new UDO will allow an additional dwelling unit to 6e bated on a site. <br />City of Fayetteville, North Carolina <br />tune 2009 Unified Development Ordinance-Module Two Public Review Draft (REVISED) <br />Page 3.13 <br />