Orange County NC Website
134 <br />Article 30-3: Zoning Districts <br />SeNon D: Residential Base Zoning Districts <br />Subsection 4: Single-Family Residental IS (SF-I S) District <br />4. SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL I S (SF-I S) DISTRICT <br />The Single-Family Residential I S (SF-I S) District is established to accommodate principally single- <br />family detached residential development at low densities subject to the design standards in Article <br />30-5: Development Standards. Italso accommodates two- tofour-family dwellings designed to <br />appear as single-family detached homes, and zero lot Tine development subject to the <br />requirements of this Ordinance. Discrict regulations are intended to discourage any use that <br />substantially interferes with the development ofsingle-family detached dwellings and that is <br />detrimental to the quiet residen0al nature of the district Also allowed are complementary uses <br />usually found in residential zoning districts such az parks, open space, elementary schools, and <br />Lot area per uni4 min. (sq k) 15,000 '"` <br />nla <br />Lot width, min. (ft) <br />100 <br />Gross residential density, max 3; 3.2 for zero lot line development nla nla <br />(dwelling unitslacre) (I]ss <br />Lot coverage, max 25 ~] <br />(% of lot area) 25; I S where abutting a <br /> <br />single-family zoning district <br />35 <br />Heigh4 max (k) or use <br />Front and corner side setback q0; 65 from street centerline Not allowed in front side, <br />or corner side setbacks <br />min. (k) [3] <br />Side setback min. (ft) [3] IS <br />S <br />Rear setback, min. (k) [3] <br />35 <br />Spacing, between buildings, ~a 20 S <br />min. (k) <br />Zero lot line development must be on a site or tract of 40,000 square feet or more, shall comply with <br />uire a special use permit (See Section 30- <br />hall re <br />d <br />d <br />d <br />a <br /> q <br />s <br />s, an <br />ar <br />n <br />the maximum gross residential density st <br /><>) when proposed on a lot or site smaller than three acres in a developed portion of the city. <br />3 <br />2 <br />Zero lot line development . <br />. <br />Setbacks for lots on the perimeter of the development shall meet the district minimums; otherwise no <br /> setbacks, lot area, lot coverage, or building spacing requirements shall apply. <br />Open Space Set-Aside (% of Residential uses: :Nonresidential and mbted-uses: [to be determined in Module 3] <br />parcel) <br />NOTES: [I] Gross residential density may be increased by up co 10 percent for development locaced vAthin an "incentNe area' as <br />identified on the official zoning map. <br />Ovals 25 fee otr ore above gradeerage. <br />ll build n <br />f <br />~ <br />tn <br />r <br />us <br />l <br />w <br />g <br />or a <br />fne fe t <br />eased by <br />c <br />es shall be <br />c pal <br />all other prin <br />X31 Minimum setbacks <br />+s These sandards carry forward the R-f S district dimemional standards but include new gross density requirements and new lot area requirements <br />fortwo- to four-farntiy dwelli~s• <br />+6 The new UDO wi0 allow density rounding az is done in Cumberland Coumy. In cases where a site s acreage allows a gross density that excee s a <br />whole number by 0.6 or more, the new UDO vAll allow an additional dwelling unit to be located on a site. <br />June 2009 ..,.r .,.. - ~ -- - <br />Page 3 I I Unified Development Ordinance- Module Two Public Review Drak (REVISED) <br />