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133 <br />Article 30-3: Zoning Districts <br />Section D: Residential Base Zoning Districts <br />Subsection 3: Incentives for Sustainable Development Practices <br />Features. <br />(2] Development shall be in the DT district or within 500 linear feet of an intersection of two arceria streets <br />to exceed the maximum building height by two stories. <br />(e) ' Menu of Sustainability Features pcancfor ro oseddevelopment <br />One or more of the following sustainabiliry features may be offered by an app P P <br />within the MR-5 or DT district in accordance with Table 30-3.D.1, Sustainability Bonuses. <br />(i) Generation of a minimum of 25 percent of xhe electricity needed by the development from <br />alternative energy sources (solar, wind, etc.); <br />(2) Minimum LEED cercification of silver for at least 50 percent of the nonresidential floor area; <br />(3) Purchase of carbon offsets in an amount equivalent to I S percent of the construction costs; <br />(4) Energy star recognition for at leas[ 75 percent of the residential floor area; <br />($) Inclusion of green roofs on at least 30 pertenc of the roof area within the development; <br />(b) Provision of solar access to a minimum of 50 percent of the buildings in the development; <br />(7) ConOguration of nonresidential buildings with one axis L5 times longer than the other, and the <br />long axis oriented in an east-west configuration; <br />($~ Inclusion of a recycled or grey water system for landscaping irrigation; <br />(9) gravelforas'im tar paving ma er ais) that redu ekthe turban heat i lan'd effect of park ngciots;xcluding <br />(10) Provision of a network of multi-purpose trails with ac least one connection co the public <br />greenway or sidewalk system for every acre of land; <br />(1 I) Provision of 50-foox undisturbed buffers adjacent to all perennial stream banks; or <br />(I 2) Provision of a community garden with at leas[ 500 square feet per dwelling that is controlled by <br />a propercy-owners association. <br />'Fayetteville, Nortn t,arm~oa <br />Development Ordinance -Module Two Public Review Draft (REVISED) <br />Page 3-10 <br />