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114 <br />Annotated Outline <br />certain zoning district (including planned development districts). A use table will also include additional information related <br />to any use-specific standards that may apply, and where those standards may be found. <br />USE CLASSIFICATIONS, CATEGORIES, AND TYPES <br />In an effort to provide better organization, precision, clarity, and flexibility to the uses in the zoning districts and the <br />administration of the use table, the table and use regulation system will be organized around the three-tiered concept of use <br />classifications, use categories, and use types. Use classifications, the broadest category, organize land uses and activities into <br />general use categories. All use types identified in the use table will be defined in Article 9, Definitions. <br />In addifion, to provide flexibility and insure that the legislative intent of the Town Board of Commissioners is realized, this <br />section will also include provisions allowing a landowner to request an interpretation from the Planning Director that a use <br />type not specifically identified in a use table is included because it is a use type that is similar in nature, function or duration <br />to a use type identified in the use category. In considering whether an unspecified use should be included, the Planning <br />Director will tie required to consider whether the proposed use has an impactthat is similar in nature, function, and duration <br />to the other use types allowed in the use category. <br />USE-SPECIFIC STANDARDS <br />This section will contain all of the special standards and requirements that apply to individual princpal use types listed in a <br />use table. The standards generally apply to uses regardless of whether they are permitted as a matter of right or are subject to <br />the special use permit process. Additional standards will be added for new uses as appropriate. Material related to accessory <br />uses will be relocated to Section 4.4, Accessory Uses and Structures. <br />ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES <br />Accessory uses or structures are those uses that are subordinate to the principal use of a building or land, located on the same <br />lot as the principal use, and customarily incidental to such use or structure. For example, astand-alone automated teller <br />machine is considered as an accessory to a commercial use, and an above- or below-ground swimming pool is typically <br />considered an accessory structure to asingle-family home. <br />All of the regulations and standards governing accessory uses and structures will be located in this section, including those <br />pertaining to home occupations (as described in Section 109, for instance) and accessory dwelling units (such as "granny Flats" <br />or garage apartments). Standards addressing how decks or other above-grade gathering spaces mayor may not encroach into <br />required setbacks or yards will be addressed in the Rules of Measurement portion of Chapter 9, Definitions. Regulations for <br />accessory uses will be added, as will a purpose(ntent statement to clarify the relationship of accessory uses and structures to <br />other uses and structures. We will also include area and bulk standards to ensure that the physical features of accessory <br />structures are °accessory in character to principal structures. <br />TEMPORARY USES AND STRUCTURES <br />Temporary uses are uses proposed to be located in a zoning district for a limited duration of time that are not identified as <br />permitted uses. Special events typically last for a shorter duration and are intended to attract large numbers of people atone <br />time, such as concerts, fairs, circuses, large receptions or parties, and community festivals (they do not include private parties <br />attracting less than a certain number of persons, nor do they include events normally associated with the permitted use (such <br />as a wedding reception at a reception hall or a funeral at a funeral home). The types of temporary uses allowed and the <br />standards for their approval will be established in this section. <br />The existing ordinance does not include a review procedure or standards for temporary uses or special events. The Zoning <br />Permit procedure established in the Article 2, Administration, will be used to evaluate these uses, based on the standards and <br />time limitations for temporary uses and special events established in this section. <br />Page 12 Unified Devebpment Ordinance I Draft Annotated Outline <br />November, 2009 <br />