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110 <br />Annotated Outline . <br />This section will establish the rules governing when an applicatlon can be withdrawn by the applicant, and what penalties occur, if any. <br />The section will also establish basic guidance concerning the timing under which the application fee for a withdrawn application may <br />be refunded, and the review procedures for resubmitted applications containing substantial changes. <br />Examination and Copying of Application/Other Documents <br />This section will establish rules governing the examination and copying of application documents and related materials by members of <br />the public. <br />Simultaneous Processing of Applications <br />This section will provide that whenever two or more forms of review and approval are required under the UDO, applications for those <br />development approvals may (at the option of the Planning Director}, be processed simultaneously, so long as all applicable state and <br />local requirements are satisfied. The provision will note that simultaneous processing can lead to additional costr for the applicant for <br />example, if a special use permit and a site plan are under review, substantive changes may necessitate revision of both sets of plans. <br />Any simultaneous procedures that are developed duringthe drafting process will be set forth here. <br />Lapse of Approval ' <br />In general, "lapse of approval' provisions state that approval of a development application lapses if development is not commenced or <br />a subsequent permit is not obtained within specified periods of tlme. Lapse provisions will tie included for all forms of development <br />permits and approvals. <br />Depending upon the specific type of approval, provisions for extension will also be included, where appropriate. These will specify <br />that an applicant may request an extension (for a period up to a limit stated in the code) by submitting a request prior to the expiration <br />period, and that the extension will be granted upon a showing of good cause by the applicant Permits that are approved <br />administratively may be extended administratively, while extensions for permits that are granted by a review board will be required to <br />be approved by the review board. <br />STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS <br />General Commentary: This third section in the Administration Chapter includes the specific review standards that are <br />applied to each individual application for development approval, other unique procedural review requirements for each <br />individual applicatlon if there are additional or different procedures apart from the common review procedures, and the rules <br />governing minor modifications and amendments. It broadens the line up of current procedures by adding information on <br />Interpretations, and new permit procedures, including a Planned Development approval process, a Tree Removal Permit <br />process, and more. Each permit procedure will include a review process Flowchart <br />Land Use Plan Amendment <br />revi w d first by the Planning Boarrd and then de ided by the Town Board of Comm ss onerstduring a public hearing,request would be <br />In cases where a rezoning request triggers the need for an ame rov ded tthehamendmentdto the ppmpdater long range planning <br />document these two procedures could occur simultaneously, p <br />documents occurs prior to approval of the rezoning. <br />Rezoning or Text Amendment <br />This section wilt include information on the purpose for the procedure, the authorized review and decision-making bodies, and the <br />procedure for initiation and review (including specified time periods and who may initiate an application for a text amendment). <br />Different review standards will be established for text amendments versus map amendments (rezonings). The Becton will include new <br />language mandated by recent changes in the slate's planning laws that requires town Board of Commissioners to consider the <br />reasonableness of any request to amend the official zoning map in light of consistency with the Land Use Plan and the public interest <br />The section will include the procedures for addressing valid protest petitions, how re-hearing of amended applications can be allowed, <br />and the different procedures utilized for simple cosmetic corrections to the official zoning map. <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina <br />Unified Development Ordinance 1 Draft NovembeO2004 <br />page 8 <br />