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108 <br />Annotated Outline <br />provision as appropriate to establish a submission <br />application submission schedule can be changed <br />modifications are needed. <br />schedule for all applications. A practical benefit to this approach is that the <br />administratively, so that it is not necessary to amend the UDO every time <br />Pre-Application Conference re-a Ircation conferences. We recommend the common <br />The Issues Summary above describes the desirability of requiring p pp <br />procedures section of the new UDO establish a standard requirement for apre-application conference between the applicant and staff. <br />This provision would clarify what types of development applications are subject to the pre-application conference, the purpose of such <br />meetings, and the effect of such meetings (i.e., discussions are not binding on the town and processing times do not start until a forma <br />es of ma or development applications should require ec'~al usePlerm ts, <br />application is submitted and accepted). The following typ 1 <br />conference with staff beforee ~ tepplanso, prel mn ary p ~ Zoning map amendments, planned developments (, sp <br />Tats, and variances. Pre-application conferences would be voluntary for all <br />conditional use permits, Typ <br />other forms of development applications. <br />Application Submission <br />The next step in the planning and development process -and what many persons consider the "beginning" of the development revie <br />lication and the required fee. This is followed by staffs review of <br />process -starts with the applicanPs submission of the necessary app' tannin <br />the application to determine if it meetr minimal completeness requirements, and then staffs review of the general merits oft e <br />stafflcThonpaon ePrpPevents staff's anrd applicants' time beingwas[ed by substanptive revoiew of applicationsth taresnotcomplete. g <br />Determination of Completeness <br />cons str of rece'Ipti an'd rev ew of the a`ppl cat on toodeterminepif it has theuminimal amount of mater Isf (appl catlonhcontents) that <br />dete m nation be made evq'~thin are'asonab e pePod of time after receipt of theeappliswtd'rone sueh as five burin ss'days.r The regulafions <br />should also specify how long an applicant has to correct a deficient application. <br />may then lcorrlectrtheodefi ie b estandPesubm tthepappl cationiwithin defined tirrmehframe for ompleteness d term nation.ap he fee <br />schedule established by the Town Board of Commissioners may provide that re-submittals after the first re-submittal be-accompanied <br />appricati nri~ev elw time frdames,rbut include this k ndpof informal ons n an Administrative Manual so thatd8me frarmes may be adjusted <br />to changing conditions without need of a lengthy text amendment process. <br />Actual substantive review of the application, along with preparation of an accompanying staff report, will not begin until the application <br />is determined to be complete. <br />Preparation of Staff Report es of <br />a w~ tten staff report The~irttpe framesfoirrreview ofsthe appl cafion and prepamt on of a staff report vaePlbetween differentrtyp n o <br />ongeorPhan a varPa'nce because the iss es evalu led nl the application areebroaderaand more complex.a planned development may be <br />Scheduling Public Hearing <br />This subsection establishes a consolidated set of public hearing procedures. Some boards and commissions include public hearing <br />procedures.within their by-laws. Typically, these provisions spell out the rules governing the conduct of the public hearing, including <br />what persons have the right to speak, the order of the proceedings at public hearings (how the application is to be presented, in w at - <br />how and under whatcircumstances testimony <br />order the applicant and public can speak, and the process for responding to comments), <br />and evidence is excluded, what findings are made to support the decision, and how requests for a continuance are handled. This <br />section will include these general provisions and defer to established bylaws if they exist. <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina <br />Unified Development Ordinanre I Draft NovembeO2009 <br />Pagc 6 <br />