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101 <br />Issues Summary <br />ACHIEVE HIGH QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT <br />encoura a development andee development m areaslallreadyrserved byninfrastructure,amaintenrancgeh of anvibrantpmixedsuse downtownt <br />new planned development alternatives for establishment of higher intensity development in selected areas, and conversion o auto- <br />g <br />dominated commercial corridors to walkable mixed-use areas. <br />responsespmmany of whitch are outside the scope of zon ng o dinaln e prow sionsntHowever therevam acdonsrthattwn be takenr'm the <br />new UDO to help remove obstacles and create some incentives for redevelopment in the downtown and along the major corridors. <br />questions folrrthe Ponsrdemtlon by Ithe town are:el) whe of exactly, are redevelopmen land refill desed and 2)ohowlcan changes to <br />the zoning provisions best contribute to a comprehensive strategy for redevelopment in these areasi <br />recogn ie redevelopmentpstuations, usel oft specialeprocedures like planned devlopmentslorndevelopment agreements to fa~ I tae <br />keystone projects, and other approaches. Determination of the most appropriate approach for Hillsborough will require additional <br />discussion. The following sub-sections set out some options for the town's consideration. <br />ESTABLISH CONTEXTUAL STANDARDS <br />the m n mum didmens'wnal oldevelopment tandards! Conte tual standards are typicallly flexdible land rely oo cons'~dstency with <br />adjacent existing development instead of fixed numbers or requirements. For example, contextual standards might include a <br />maximum front setback provision for a district that requires development td be within 125 percent of the established front <br />setback for existing buildings along the same block face instead of a rigid fixed dimensional standard. Similar kinds of <br />provisions may be established for building heights, lot coverage, and other dimensional provisions. <br />Contextual standards are also uthd Presence or absenrce of a front porch, he amount of glazing on asstorefront oPllo ation of <br />axis of a building's orientation, <br />bock faces.rkThis approach allows maxgmuam flexibil'ty for new develop ent, asrlong as it isn ompatible withnthe erx sting <br />context It does, however, require the applicant or the town to document existing conditions. <br />MODIFY DISTRICT AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO PROVIDE FLEXIBILITY <br />prov ding greater flexibil'tyenatredevelopm1e'nt alreastoFor examp eethe range of allowed ulsesnin somenofathe zoning d strics <br />can be reviewed to ensure they are consistent with the desired mix of uses for the downtown and major commercial <br />preferred uses (e.g, tmtxed use,' higherrden ity res dentialcr''entertainment" uses rconvenienceoretail,retc) is ats plrocedumlly <br />simple as possible. It is also possible to make the establishment of discouraged uses slightly more difficult procedurally by <br />requiring more detailed review. <br />avariety offstandlla ds like parking, landscaping. and sg age. s or example aadifferent set of pedm e'r buffer standards can be <br />utilized in redevelopment areas that reduce minimum buffer widths through use of fencing, or reduced minimum stocking <br />parking resourcOff-s5ignage provisions' can be adjusbtedr[o provideaincreasedgace areaofor' desired ign'types)(e.gnwall s'gnst <br />projecting signs, arcade signs, etc.). It is also possible to reduce some of the land-consumptive standards like open space set- <br />pedestrian amenities. Spec fit critedta forsthe eP eductions would need to be devoelopedgand ncluded within the new UDO,of <br />MODIFY REVIEW PROCEDURES TO ENCOURAGE REDEVELOPMENT <br />In addition to modifications to development standards, it is also possible to adjust some of the development procedures to <br />produce incentves for redevelopment. <br />Page 11 <br />Hillshorough, North Carolina <br />Unified Development Ordinance I Drag Annotated Outline <br />November, 2009 <br />