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100 <br />Issues Summary <br />MODERNIZE THE APPROACH TO USE REGULATIONS <br />The use standards in a zoning ordinance are important because they identify which uses go in which districts. The current <br />ordinance uses a somewhat dated list-based approach to setting out the allowable uses by district Some of the districts are <br />pyramided, that is, the uses allowed in a less intense district are also allowed in the next highest-intensity district It is <br />suggested the new UDO include a new single summary use table that sets out the full range of allowable uses, the districts <br />where they are allowed, the process under which they are authorized, and across-reference to any additional use-specific <br />standards. <br />We also suggest the UDO codify the allowed uses under athree-tiered use classification system that adds textual descriptions <br />to clarify use groups at three different levels: <br />• Use Classifications (broad general dassificatlons such as Residential, Commercial, and Institutional), <br />Use Categories (major sub-groups within Use Classifications such as residential that are based on common <br />characteristics, such as "Group Living" and "Household living"), and <br />• Use Types (specific uses within the Use Categories such as "single-family detached dwellings", "multiple-family <br />dwellings", and "townhome'~. <br />Many communities are moving to this use classification approach due to its more robust sGUdure and Flexibility. Appendix C <br />of this report provides more detailed information about the proposed listing of use types compared to the town's current line <br />up of uses. <br />In addition, and as part of the conversion to the three-tiered use classification system, it is also suggested that obsolete uses be <br />removed, and new uses (e.g., large retail establishments, Internet cafes, etc.) be added. The revised standards will also <br />include a procedure the town can use to classify new uses not already included in the list <br />ADD NEW STANDARDS FOR ACCESSORY AND TEMPORARY USES <br />The current zoning ordinance addresses accessory and temporary uses within each zoning district's standards. Modern <br />practice suggests that use-specific standards for individual accessory or temporary uses should be set out by use type instead <br />of by district We suggest the new UDO establish rules about how accessory and temporary uses may be developed, as well <br />as new standards for each kind of temporary use in a stand-alone section. The new ordinance should also broaden the range <br />of accessory and temporary uses to include new uses like major (tome occupations, stand-alone automated teller machines, <br />portable storage containers, stand-alone ice vending uses, and special events like garage sales or block paNes. <br />IMPROVE DEVELOPMENT QUALITY <br />The quality of development in Hillsborough, like many communities throughout North Carolina and the nation, is important to the <br />town's economic prosperity and to the continued enjoyment of a high quality of life. This attitude underlies many of the town's goals <br />and policies This issue was also expressed as an important goal in the code update by some of the stakeholders in interviews during the <br />project kick-off meetings. <br />One issue is parking requirements, another is landscaping requirements. In addition to the general goal of raising development quality, <br />it is also desirable that development standards be quantifiable and measurable to the maximum extent practicable. Furthermore, the <br />new ordinance should also clarify who Itas the responsibility of reviewing the site plan or subdivision applications for compliance with <br />the standards. <br />Development quality is largely addressed in the current zoning ordinance through basic requirements For parking landscaping, <br />buffering and signage. Creation of this UDO is an opportunity to consider adjustments in standards such as: <br />• Modifying parking standards, <br />• Modifying landscape standards for parking areas, perimeter buffers, commercial sites, and requiring street tree planting <br />. Adding tree protection standards, <br />Adding open space set aside standards, <br />Adding new exterior lighting standards, <br />• . Adding fence and wall standards, and <br />Adding new basic design standards for big box development, multi-family development, and community form. <br />These will be discussed as the preparation of the UDO moves forward. <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina <br />Unified Development Ordinance 1 Drat Mnotated Outline <br />Pagc 10 November, 2009 <br />