Orange County NC Website
09%17/2609 11:11 919b443324 FINANCE PAGE 12 <br />specified in Exhibit A. <br />14.13 "Managed Services" shall mean the services provided by Gxanicus to Client for <br />bandwidth usage associated with live said archived Internet stxeazrzirag, data storage, azzd Granicus <br />Solution maintenance, upgrades, parts, customer support services, and system monitoring, as <br />detailed in the Proposal attached as ~~}li_~; 1. <br />14.14 "1V,[1>aaged Services Fee" shall mean the monthly cost of the lvfanaged Services, as <br />specified in h' 't ~. <br />14.15 "Meeting Body" shall paean. a unique board, commission, agency, or council body <br />comprised of appointed or elected officials that meet in a public capacity with the objective of <br />performing decisiozas through a democratic voting process (typically followizzg kZobert's Rules of <br />Order}. Two or more Meeting l~odics znay be comprised of some or all of the same ztzezazbers oz <br />officials but may still be considered sepaxate and unique 1V.leeting Bodies at Crranicus' sole <br />disexetioza. For example, committees, subeoznzaaittees, City eouneiIs, planning commissions, packs <br />and recreatiozz departments, boards of supervisors, school baaxds/districts, and redevelopment <br />agencies may be considered separate and unique individual Meeting Bodies at Granicus' sole <br />discretion. <br />14.16 "Professional Services" shall zazeaza the installation, design, website and templste <br />integration, and teaining obligations as detailed in the Proposal. <br />14.17 "itepresentatives" shall mean the o~eers, directors, employees, agents, attotxaeys, <br />accountants, financial advisors and other representatives of a party. <br />14,18 "Site" shall mean an orgsni2atioza that is lyovemed by a single set of policy anal <br />budgetary restxaints. l?vr example, a city and its school distxiet are considered separate Sftes_ <br />Exceptions may be gxazated at Gxanicus's sole discretion. <br />14.19 "Trademarks" shall paean all txadeznarks, trade names and logos of Cliexzt listed <br />on Exhibit D attached hereto, and azzy other trademarks, trade names and logos that Client may <br />specify in writing to Granicus from time to tizaae. <br />GlrnNtcus,lrvG. SERYtCE AG.R6~MkNr 11 version 4.0.1 <br />