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<br />14. DEFINRIONS.
<br />In addition to the capitalized terms otherwise defined hcrcin, the following additional
<br />capitalized terms shall have the meanings set forth below;
<br />14.1 "Agxeenaent" shall trtean this Service Agreement.
<br />14,2 "Client" shall mean Orange County, North Carolina.
<br />14.3 "Clieat Use" shall zxtean any public strearrting, document posting, padcasting, or
<br />internal streaming that is not for system testing or validation purposes by Client.
<br />14.4 "Confidential Information" shall mean all proprietary ox confidential information.
<br />disclosed or made available by the other party puxsuant to this Agreement that is identified as
<br />con.?~dential or proprietaty at the time of disclosure ax is of a nature that shoutd reasonably be
<br />considered to be confidential, and includes but is not limited to the terms and condikiotts of this
<br />Agreement, and all business, technical and other information (including without limitation, all
<br />product, ser'viets, financial, marketing, engineering, research aztd development inforration,
<br />product speeifieatioxts, technical data, data sheets, software, inventions, processes, training
<br />manuals, lrnow-haw and any other information oz txtaterial), disclosed from tizxte to time by the
<br />disclosing party to the receiving party, directly or indirectly in arty manner whatsoever (including
<br />without lirnitatiom, ix~ writing, orally, electronically, or by inspection); provided, however, that
<br />Canftdential Information shall not include the Content that is to be published on the website{s) of
<br />Client.
<br />14.5 "Content" shall mean any and all, doeunaemts, graphics, video, audio, images,
<br />soutads attd other content that is streamed or otherwise transmitted 4r. provided by, or on behalf of,
<br />the Client to Granicus.
<br />14,b "Cuatounar Website" shall mean the Client's existing website.
<br />14.7 "Granicus" shall tneatt Granicus, Inc.
<br />14.8 "VranicUS 5olutiOlt" shall tttean the Solution detailed ixt the Proposal, which m+ay
<br />include Granicus Software, Installation atzd Training, Managed Setvices, and Hardware, as
<br />specified ita rx ' i
<br />14.9 "Grariuleus ,~fo~tWAl'e" shalt meant all software included with the Granicus Solution
<br />as specified in the attached Proposal that may include but is not limited to; MediaMattagerTM
<br />{includes Uploader, Software Development I~.it, CL~ Creator, and f'odcasting Services),
<br />MinutesMa3cerT~ (includes )~iveManager), MobileEneoder't'~`~, VotingSystem'~`i (includes Public
<br />Vote I}isplay and Meettnglvlexttber), OutCastTM )rncodex (includes Meeting Serverj,
<br />StreamReplicatazr~, and MediaVaultTM.
<br />14.10 "Rardware" shall rtaeart the equipment components o£ the Granicus Solution, as
<br />listed in ~hibii.A.
<br />14.11 "Xn~stall" shall mean a single iztstance in which the software is set up and prepared
<br />for use with the Granicus Solution.
<br />14.12 "License Fee" sltall mean the total cost of ~e Granicus Software product, as
<br />Gx:+racvs, Icvc. SsztvtCk AGFC£~tENr t0 ~ version 4.O.t
<br />