Orange County NC Website
The NCWRC survey queried landowners on their opinions of deer and the deer <br /> population, problems with deer, hunting of deer on land, management of deer on land, <br /> other opinions on deer hunting regulations, and overall participation in outdoor activities. <br /> Survey results most applicable to the dogging deer issue before the BOCC are detailed <br /> below: <br /> • Ninety-three percent approved of legal, regulated hunting. <br /> • Ninety-two percent agreed that written permission from the landowner should be <br /> required to hunt on private land. <br /> • Top four reasons cited for not allowing others beyond the landowner or immediate <br /> household to hunt on the land were — concern about a hunter injuring another person <br /> on the property (66%), concern about trespassing on their property (64%), concern <br /> about liability (59%), and thinking that the property was too small for deer hunting <br /> (55%). <br /> • Landowners with tracts from 5-20 acres were more likely to agree their property was <br /> too small than those with more than 20 acres. <br /> • Fifty-percent of the landowners strongly disagreed with the statement, "Hunting deer <br /> with dogs should be legal in North Carolina", and 61 percent moderately or strongly <br /> disagreed. Only 15% strongly agreed with the statement. <br /> The recommendations are that the BOCC receive the presentation and background <br /> materials as submitted; receive any public comments per usual for a regular agenda item; and <br /> take action as it may deem appropriate. Options include: <br /> 1) Approve seeking legislative authority to adopt a local ordinance that would ban <br /> "dogging deer" in northern Orange County and include the request within its 2010 <br /> proposed legislative agenda. <br /> 2) Defer seeking legislative authority to adopt a local ordinance in the 2010 session. <br /> 3) Create further opportunity for open discussion on this issue among interested <br /> members of the public. <br /> 4) Other, as determined by the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that a citizen sent an email that only 10 states allow this <br /> practice and she asked staff about this. Staff is not aware of this and Assistant County <br /> Manager Gwen Harvey said that she would find out that information. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Jennifer Honeycutt said that she is a resident of northern Orange County and she <br /> would like the County Commissioners to ban this in northern Orange County because of safety <br /> concerns, property rights, and peace and quiet. She said that land abutting their land is leased <br /> to deer hunters each year and they hear dogs running through their property and they hear <br /> shooting all the time. She said that she tries to keep her pets confined, but her dog got out <br /> and was shot. She said that Orange County does not protect her property rights. She has had <br />