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Their recommendations are trying to mitigate and to get information from ICE (Immigration and <br /> Customs Enforcement). <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked about the recommendation about instituting grievance <br /> procedures. He asked who would be creating these procedures. Marty Rosenbluth said that <br /> currently there is no procedure. Shoshannah Sayers said that the 287(g) has standardized <br /> grievance procedures and these could be modified. <br /> Chair Foushee asked about the recommendations 3 and 4 and asked if there was any <br /> consultation with other law enforcement agencies about this. Shoshannah Sayers said that <br /> she wanted to come to the BOCC first and the Sheriff's Department has been extremely <br /> helpful. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Marianna Martinez made reference to the issue of no licenses and said that if this is <br /> implemented and ICE gets information and someone is stopped, then some people would get <br /> deported. She asked that they make sure these people only get a citation and not deported. <br /> She said that there are criminals that should be deported, but there are people who are here to <br /> work and live that do not deserve this. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that some of this may need to be vetted by the County <br /> Attorney. John Roberts said that he has looked at it and he can contact people in Washington, <br /> DC. He said that this program was issued with no regulations and it makes it hard for local <br /> communities to implement. He has tried to find out if local jurisdictions can opt out of the <br /> program, and he has had no answer. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about recommendation #4, adopting a policy of citation <br /> versus arrest and he asked if the County could do this unilaterally. John Roberts said that the <br /> General Assembly determines what an arrestable offense is. He said that the County should <br /> not adopt this policy before getting an answer to this. He asked the Sheriff about the citation <br /> versus arrest. <br /> Sherriff Lindy Pendergrass said that the Sherriff's Department is doing the same thing <br /> with every motorist— if it is just an expired license, then there is a citation just like for any other <br /> citizen. Commissioner Jacobs said that, if this is the case, then there does not need to be a <br /> different policy. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs requested that staff forward this information to Congressman <br /> Price. He said that there is a lack of sensible federal immigration policy and this is not <br /> consistent with the values of Orange County. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to refer this to staff to bring back to a future meeting with analysis from the County Attorney <br /> and specifically to ask the Human Relations Commission to provide recommendations on the <br /> grievance procedures, and to include these issues on the legislative agenda for discussion on <br /> February 22nd <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made a friendly amendment to forward the data and the <br /> recommendations to Congressman Price. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 4. Consent Agenda <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to approve those items on the consent agenda as stated below: <br />