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Frank Clifton said that the major step would be to get both counties to agree on some <br /> legislative action that the delegations would adopt, which would give time to continue to <br /> research this process further. The legislature is the final voice on this issue. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if there was agreement with the two counties and Frank <br /> Clifton said that there is agreement amongst the staff. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if this line would reflect the 1849 boundary line. Frank <br /> Clifton said that both counties asked the state to do the survey work and he is sure that the <br /> state did not survey every inch of the line, but that is the state surveyed line. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs <br /> to approve the Manager's Recommendation: <br /> 1. Continue to finalize an Orange-Alamance Boundary Line adjustment flowchart with <br /> Alamance officials; <br /> 2. Prepare for a discussion with Orange County's legislative delegation in February; <br /> 3. Advise the Alamance County Commissioners that a preferred approach is to agree on <br /> the line in segments where no/little confusion exists (61%) now and continue to seek <br /> concurrence on the areas where more complexity exists; and <br /> 4. Discuss with Alamance County officials the concept of employing contracted service to <br /> make appropriate GIS/Tax map modifications as needed to parcels impacting both <br /> County's records as a single project (sharing the costs accordingly). <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Recommendations from the Human Relations Commission Concerning the <br /> "Secure Communities" Program in Orange County <br /> The Board received a report from the Human Relations Commission, based on a <br /> request from the BOCC, on the Department of Homeland Security's "Secure Communities" <br /> program and considered concrete suggestions to make program implementation as <br /> transparent and socially just as possible. <br /> Human Rights and Relations Director Shoshannah Sayers thanked all the community <br /> members who have come out. <br /> Marty Rosenbluth, from the Human Relations Commission, spoke about the four <br /> recommendations: <br /> 1. Create transparency in collection and dissemination of data relating to Secure <br /> Communities; <br /> 2. Institute grievance procedures similar to those contained in 287(g) agreements in <br /> order to give people affected by Secure Communities the same standard, codified <br /> due process rights as those affected by 287(g); <br /> 3. Ensure that all law enforcement agencies within Orange County are providing high- <br /> quality sensitivity and racial profiling education and training; and <br /> 4. Suggest that all Orange County law enforcement agencies adopt a policy of citation <br /> instead of arrest for minor traffic violations and other minor offenses. <br /> He spoke about some statistics and said that it is clear that the Secure Communities <br /> Program is not doing what it was intended to do. He said that the same figures are replicated <br /> on a national level. He said that the recommendations are trying to mitigate the damage <br /> caused to immigrant communities. Part of that is getting really good data from ICE. <br />