Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Nelson thanked everyone for speaking tonight and their participation in <br /> the planning groups. He said that the County Commissioners really do not have a choice <br /> because there is a problem. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to approve the Manager's Recommendation to: <br /> Receive the presentation of findings, conclusions and background materials as submitted; <br /> receive any public comments per usual for a regular agenda item; and take action on the <br /> following option: <br /> 1) Approve seeking legislative authority to adopt a local ordinance that would ban <br /> "dogging deer" in northern Orange County and include the request within its 2010 <br /> proposed legislative agenda. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs pointed out page 21, which is a list of requirements in Orange <br /> County for hunting and that it is unlawful to hunt while under the influence of alcohol or other <br /> impairing substances. He said that this is not stipulated as against the law in North Carolina <br /> and Orange County had to go to the legislature and get special legislative authority. He said <br /> that there are a lot of people in the County that are responsible hunters. He does sympathize <br /> with people that are trying to be responsible, but it is not possible for Orange County to <br /> differentiate between hunters from Orange County and other counties and between dogs from <br /> Orange County and other counties. He said that people's privacy rights are being restricted <br /> because some people violated the spirit and the letter of the law. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that this practice started when it was universally accepted, <br /> but times have changed. He said that the number of people who do not want hunting on their <br /> land outnumbers the ones that do. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz made reference to the specific recommended act, "it shall be <br /> unlawful to allow dogs to chase deer." He suggested tightening this up for people that are not <br /> actually hunting. For example, he has dogs that he has encouraged to chase deer away from <br /> his plants. <br /> Frank Clifton said that staff would put something forward to the legislature. <br /> b. Amendments to the EMS Franchise Agreement entitled "An Ordinance <br /> Regulating Emergency Medical, First Responder and Rescue Service and Granting of <br /> Franchise and Contracts to the Operators In the County of Orange" <br /> The Board considered approving amendments to the EMS Franchise Ordinance <br /> entitled, "An Ordinance Regulating Ambulance and Emergency Medical, First Responder and <br /> Rescue Services and Granting of Franchise and Contracts to the Operators In the County of <br /> Orange" and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> Emergency Services Director Frank Montes de Oca said that this ordinance started in <br /> 1981 and has not been updated since 1993. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Syd Alexander is an attorney and he spoke on behalf of South Orange Rescue Squad. <br /> He said that the South Orange Rescue Squad is in agreement with the amendments. He <br />