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deer and dog problems and she would like this banned. She also has grandchildren that play <br /> on her property. <br /> David Honeycutt said that he has had confrontations with deer hunters who have <br /> threatened him on his own property. He said that the hunting clubs claim that they use GPS <br /> collars on their dogs, but this does not help. He said that the dogs chase the deer no matter <br /> what. He asked why the dogs are not an extension of the hunter. He said that he is tired of <br /> these dogs causing damage to his property at his expense. He said that his children are <br /> scared to go outside because of the hunters. He asked the County Commissioners to stop the <br /> deer dog hunting. <br /> Charles Treis spoke against dogging deer. He said that the deer hunters this year have <br /> threatened property hunters. He said that this is the Triad Hunting club and ever since they <br /> came in and leased property in this area, the process has gone south. He said that there are <br /> too many hunters in one spot and most of these hunters do not live in Orange County. He said <br /> that this group has ruined hunting for everyone. <br /> Earl Brown was representing the farming industry and the Caldwell Hunting Club. He <br /> made reference to the survey and said that only 59 people were surveyed in Orange County. <br /> He made reference to the maps in their packets and said that there is no population <br /> concentrated around the Caldwell community. He said that the hunting season is over now. <br /> He asked the County Commissioners not to ban deer dogging. <br /> Mike Laws said that he knows about dogs and horses, and there is more trouble with <br /> coyotes than dogs. He asked the County Commissioners to let them hunt the deer population, <br /> because the area will be overrun by them otherwise. He said that running with hounds is not a <br /> big deal. He said that there are 700 people that come to Caldwell the first part of March for a <br /> meal to show their appreciation for the deer hunters. He said that hunting is not illegal and it is <br /> their right to hunt. <br /> Chris Cole is a resident of Orange County and he is a hunter. He said that he no <br /> longer hunts in Orange County due to the dogs. He hunts in Durham County now. <br /> Richard Lockamy is a landowner in northern Orange County and a hunter. He said that <br /> he is against dogging deer. He leases land in another county to hunt because of these deer <br /> hunters with dogs in Orange County. He said that hunters cannot control where dogs run. <br /> Steve Graf said that dog hunting with deer does not control the deer population <br /> because dog hunters displace other hunters that do not hunt with dogs. He said that one big <br /> concern is property rights since his rights are not respected by dog hunters. He has had <br /> problems with the Caldwell and the Triad hunting clubs since both clubs run dogs on this <br /> property, and he is in support of the ban. <br /> Susan Walser distributed a handout. <br /> - Susan Walser, speaking for Orange County Voice and as a long-time hunter and <br /> supporter of gun and hunting rights. <br /> - First, we'd like to thank Gwen Harvey for her work in organizing community dog <br /> deer hunting meetings over the past few months. <br /> o We believe that meetings between the County and its citizens are an <br /> important way to provide ideas and feedback on issues. <br /> o They seem to be a much more effective way of communicating than 3- <br /> minute comments to the Board. <br /> o We hope to see more of this kind of engagement with the community in the <br /> future. <br /> - Second, Orange County Voice supports a countywide ban on dog deer hunting — <br /> initially through a county ordinance, and ultimately approved by the state legislature <br /> — before hunting season begins later this year. <br />