Minutes - 19410505
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19410505
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<{,y -: <br />(CCIvTI NLaD) ~_\)d <br />I, 5. 91, Andrews, Register of Deeds and es. offioio Clerl: of the <br />Board of Commis sl oners for the County of Orange, North Caroline, DO H'u^.BY <br />CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy oP eo mach of the proceedings of <br />the Hoard of Commissioners of said County at a regular mee tl ng thereof held <br />flay 5, 1941, as relates to the authorl zetl on of bonds of said County, and <br />that said proceedings are recorded in Volume 6 of the minutes of said <br />Hoard, beginning at page I06 and erd ing at page 'I09 , <br />A'ITtdESS my hand and the seal oP said County, this 5th day oP L!ey, 191. <br />o. w, Andreas i <br />(SEAL) R_gis ter of Dee da and er. officio <br />Clerk oP the Hoard of Cou:si ssi one <br />i <br />i <br />i <br />REPOP.T OF THE COQ+ITTEE CN A COL'A:Tl' HOPE OR INFIR?SARY OF THE Cp,APEL HILL <br />COh4dUNITY i~ALTH AND t7ELFARE COUNCIL <br />This committee met following tk:e meeting oP the Council on the eve Wing <br />of April 2. After carefully cones Gering th=_ sl tvati on of thepre sent Cot:nty <br />home and t"-e need of the County Por ar. institution of this kind, the comr it tees <br />felt that the need Por a county home to give domle±lia ry care to non-medl cal <br />aged persons was reps dly diminishing, but that there was an increasing need li <br />for an institution oP the infirmary type which would provide esre Por two <br />types oP tuberculosis patients; those awes tang admix=_i On to the State Henetor-~ <br />Sum and those too P r advanced to 'oe aomlt tad to the State Sanatorium, and for <br />certain other oase enwl th medical implications v;hi ct! be coma the re spun sl'oi ll ty <br />of the County from time to U.m e. The committee does r. of recommend that ;rovi- <br />e!ons Por the care of non-me dlcal. aged persona be entirely omltt ed, "out si mplyl <br />confimes Sts re commendations to the needs for ar. infirmary. <br />To mast this need, St is recommended that an Snstitu ti on be pro vl dad .nth <br />the following fac111t1e s: <br />r bed pavil.i on consisting of a scree/epor ch v.1 th a~ ad. biLiag roar en3 ~i~ <br />toilet; 6 single rooms; 1 medical room; 1 room for an of __*ic e; e ser viol <br />room; a re caption room; a 3lning ronn; ¢ kitchen; a room t;ith pri vats <br />entrance Por living quarters of the graduate nurse who should be in charge <br />of th=_ irrtitution. <br />It wea not felt that such an Snstltntion should be elaborate or e>per.s <br />ly constructed, but that it should be of aoun3 and substantial construction <br />of modern design Sn keeping with pre eent standards. <br />COE~;ITTEE Mre, J. A, Ptarren <br />Ge ors H. Lawrence <br />Mrs, 5, E, Leavitt \71111 sm P. Richardso^ <br />Coh J. E, Pratt <br />Geo H Lawrence <br />Dr. Pf: P. Richardson <br />W, T, Mattox <br />Committee recommended construction oP s County Home Infirmary <br />as outlined above. <br />C C7dTI*iG~D C'i~ iiEY,T PAGE <br />
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