Agenda - 02-18-2010 - Joint Meeting Discussion Items
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-18-2010 - Joint Mtg. - Hills. BOC
Agenda - 02-18-2010 - Joint Meeting Discussion Items
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Last modified
2/15/2010 2:10:40 PM
Creation date
2/15/2010 2:10:39 PM
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Minutes 02-18-2010
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Collins property at its February 15, 2010 meeting. A public meeting to receive comment on the <br />conceptual land use plan(s) has not been scheduled yet, but will likely occur in March 2010. <br />NCDOT as well as elected representatives have included the request for funding for a train <br />station in their various requests for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds <br />and Congressional appropriations. NCDOT's grant submittal included money fora Kannapolis- <br />sized station, platform with canopy and parking lot. At this time, it is unclear whether or not our <br />station was included in the $545 million ARRA grant awarded to the State as announced on <br />January 28, 2010. The Town also continues to seek funding through the Congressional <br />appropriations process. The Town understands it may need to react quickly if funding is made <br />available under ARRA. <br />The County had requested a status update on the Rail Station at this meeting. Town staff can <br />provide any further information at the meeting, and the Boards can discuss this item as <br />necessary. <br />Attachment 6 - a -Hillsborough Rail Station Small Area Plan Boundary <br />Attachment 6 - b -Hillsborough-Orange County Rail Station Master Plan <br />7. Update on Hillsborough's Plans for the Former Collins Property <br />The final Rail Station Small Area Plan report will show the following potential uses for the 20 <br />acre former Collins property (the Town-owned tract): multi-modal transit station including <br />municipal meeting space, parking areas, police station, fire station, performing arts center, and <br />Hillsborough Youth Athletic Association (HYAA) ball fields. Some of these uses may chose to <br />co-locate within one structure. These uses are conceptual at this point and may not all <br />ultimately locate on this property. The HYAA ball fields are considered an interim land use, with <br />that land eventually being put into more urban development when the fields can be relocated. <br />The inclusion of the performing arts center is not a commitment by the Town to either provide <br />space for such a center or to construct a center. The Town has no immediate or specific plans <br />to develop the property within the next 5 years. <br />The County had requested a status update on the Collins Property at this meeting. Town staff <br />can provide any further information at the meeting, and the Boards can discuss this item as <br />necessary. <br />No Attachments <br />8. signage for County Buildings <br />With the County's construction of multiple new buildings and the subsequent relocation of some <br />County services, the County has a need to enhance signage to direct the public to the <br />appropriate County offices and services. County staff has requested that the Boards discuss <br />the County's interests in additional signage in downtown Hillsborough, at Hillsborough <br />Commons Shopping Center, and at the Whiffed Center. <br />It should be noted that in July 2009, the Town Board of Commissioners adopted the Town's <br />Wayfinding Plan, which was presented to the County Board of Commissioners on January 21, <br />2010. Upon the staff's recommendation, the Town Board agreed to allow the County to use the <br />same exact design for its Hillsborough facilities, with the exception of the logo. This design was <br />
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