Orange County NC Website
15 <br />23) Monetary Exactions for Developments - Oppose any <br />legislation which would preclude local governments from <br />requiring a monetary contribution for the impact of <br />development that is not expressly authorized by law. <br />This bill could impact a local government adequate <br />public facilities ordinance (APFO); <br />24) Development Moratoria Authority - Oppose Senate Bill <br />117 and any other legislation which would prohibit a <br />local government from imposing a time - limited building <br />moratorium while it develops or revises a development <br />ordinance; <br />25) Energy Efficiency Standards in Local Building Codes - <br />Support changes in State law to allow local governments <br />to include standards for energy efficiency in local <br />building codes that are higher than those contained in <br />the State Building Code; <br />26) Solid Waste Services - Oppose any legislation to <br />further weaken the authority and /or ability of local <br />governments to operate and administer Solid Waste <br />services, including opposition to legislation similar <br />