Orange County NC Website
6 <br />shared by the respective government jurisdictions and <br />dedicated to the support of public transit and <br />transportation programs (Also see Item #1 of this <br />Resolution); <br />14) Carolina North Transportation Funding - Support the <br />allocation of both State and University of North <br />Carolina funding to address the regional transportation <br />impacts that the University's new Carolina North campus <br />will create. The University of North Carolina's new <br />proposed Carolina North campus will have tremendous <br />impacts on traffic in Chapel Hill, throughout Orange <br />County, and the region. A majority of the University's <br />staff already travel from outside Orange County, <br />impacting the County's limited transportation <br />infrastructure. The transportation demands and <br />increased traffic counts created by Carolina North will <br />be substantial and the State and University should <br />provide funding to address these impacts; <br />15) County Responsibility for Roads - Oppose legislation <br />and any other efforts to delegate secondary road <br />