<br />§ 5.'f QEFIidITlOtd
<br />§ 5.'f.'l The Construction Cost shall be the total cost or, to the extent the Project is not amipleted, the estimated cost to
<br />the Owner of all elements of the Project designed or specified by the Architect.
<br />- § 5.1.2 The Construction Cost shall include the cost at current market rates of labor and materials firrnished by the
<br />Owner and equipment designed, specified, selected or specialIy provided for by the Architect, including the costs of
<br />_' . management or supervision of construction or installation provided by a separate construction manager or contractor,
<br />plus a reasonable allowance for their overhead and profit. In addition, a reasonable allowance for contingencies shall be
<br />included for market conditions at the time of bidding and for changes in the Work.
<br />- `~t;.:~ 5.a.3 Constrirutioa Cost does not include the compensation of the.Architect and the Architect's consultants, the costs of
<br />- .:: Ehe land, riglfs=of-way:a'nd financing or other costs that are the responsibility of the Owner as provided in Article 4.
<br />--= ~_1~=§_;5;2.1 Eva'lua~~ns o€~the°Qwner's Project budget, the preliminary estimate. of Construction Cost and detailed estimates
<br />'= of Consttttetipn •Costi, ~ any::prepared by the Architect, represent the Architect's judgment as a design professional
<br />:..,_..
<br />~fa'niiliar°-~vi~a:[le cignstiGactiox~ii~dustry. It is recognized, however, that neither the Architect nor the Owner has contro
<br />_-- ~~~_pver x~er~g~~of ~ataQ~znate~al's.~ or equipment, over the Contractor s methods of determining bid prices, or aver
<br />- -- =, corn :etii~Y;~iiidd`Iip ~ i'rutaiket`graegotiating conditions. Accordingly, the Architect cannot and does not warrant or
<br />-~~_~ r .... fix. :.:..,...,
<br />_ "-- - '{~'( ~'resri~,~;tliat~~j_ds~r ne-0gtiaxed prices wiI[ not vary from the Owner'~,~P~co,~iect budget or from any estimate of
<br />.~`4M`~N~ <'.-_Ti..~.:.. ~ _ ..• .. - •.-• 1~ dig
<br />:~
<br />.,:.
<br />.:
<br />~:~::~~_° Cous'fc~iori";~o`t=.or~; nation.. zepared_or d to by the Architect. ~!'_
<br />....._..~ ..:: _ - - - p. a~ -
<br />S •.~~ c ar+. . r.,~.fa.
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<br />-rF. ~" _,_s• ,
<br />_- ~-^'-~r _ _ :`pct?i'in~ ::~Siv
<br />''~`~~ -'~ '~~'"~~''' ~'"'~' ~ - - ~a condition of this A Bement b the furnishing,,..
<br />«-r ;~.~=5~;,7~Na•~ Im~i~~Co~tlcfon Cost shall be estalx7is~ed=ss t~' Y - -
<br />;~ ~ ' ,: <~ .:~ n _ .-:, = ~ - : •- ; ~• ;. ~ ~° =~•r . ;~"° ,the
<br />~~: ' ~u osa'°ail~_estabtisnii~enN;a~;a'l,E.io ect bud et, unles5~sut~~ted limii_lias been a ed u on in writing and si
<br />_ - - ~ '''''((~~aiRies:~er~to,-;~fseic'tt_ar~_et~iiit has been e;xtaU~sl~, the Architect shall be permitted to include contxn~'ge dies foi
<br />_- ~:,~~~si `'~'~~zldine'cr'aZCls "`~ ~=escalation, to.dd "~`` `~_' e' what materials,equipment,.component systems and types of
<br />:~ ~ - _ ,'cons fi~are:trs~~~ `e~`iiclu` ~a~s ~~ i~`itct Documents; to make reasonable adjustments in_, e.,scopa"of the Project
<br />..~-
<br />' ~.`~~ndta~gciti~e ii~e:~onti<~t~I?octia~-eiits alternate bids as may be necessary to adjust theGo~trticton Cost to the fixed
<br />_ = ~ ~~~: ~ " ~''linit X~`~>3imits;~ifa~`~ ~Ij1=Uce increased in the amount of au increase in the Co~,p~ax.~~utu occurring after execution
<br />~`h_=--~~ _ o~:~Ci`i~aet forbnst"rae~ion. _ _ _ ,_
<br />- - - =~ ~=ice ` _ - - - - -~~w -
<br />~;~.~w _~.: -- _ - - - - ubmits the .
<br />~~~~f: ~ ~.;:~~~5~3``,'tle B:~ld~tn~~Ne 'Q~tation Phase has not commenced within 9C days after the Architect s
<br />?`:~~~==vim' izi~iriictcoztI3b~t~e~pits'~iri=the Owner, any Project•btidget or fixed limit of Construction Cost shall be adjusted to
<br />~~;: ~„~ ~. ~x?e~ect. r,~_ange_S'n'~e>~eieral level of prices.in the construction industry. _
<br />,._.
<br />;__,
<br />-r~~~:-:.4-,,: ~~ : • ~iziu'~o~~:~a~s~ruction Cost (adjusted as provided in Section-5.2.3) is exceeded by the lowest tiona.ficle
<br />~'~~:-"~~~;~ "i:.;~Fi~ otia ` s fire Ownez.shall: ~ -
<br />~xg~s~"ix_ . - ~ _ -. :.loo ~+
<br />,.".
<br />..,.. -
<br />~~.~-fir:' _ - - =s.,; ~,=;;give•written approval of an inorease.xri Such fixed limit;
<br />c _~'~.. .. _. ..
<br />t's~~~ i =s x;~;. `°> , ~ ' ~ntthor~ rebidding.or:renegotiatirigt~f the P.coJecf.within u.reasonable:time;
<br />._..,~
<br />~~S ~ ~- ~~:. 3~`~. -:fermrn~i~e in accordanice :v~,ttt'S.ection: 8.5;;: ar _::..,:. _ .. :: -
<br />~~~~.~- ' } 4 !cooperate irr revising the Project scope and gtialrty as required to reduce the. Construction Cost.
<br />.._ _ _
<br />_. yi~~ ~.' ..~ ..:
<br />___: ;, § .., proceed under •Sectton 5..2 4 ~; the Arehif.~ct,: without ;additional coritiiensatiorr;:sl~all
<br />~~' ~ ; ~ 5;2:5:If the CS~wner chooses to
<br />- • - =-~~~o: ' - the documents for which'tlie:Atixlut~t.ts responsitrl~ies~nnclerthis:Agreemeat:'as necessary:to:comply:iysthth~; `.',:;°::';.
<br />~~"'~` ~~`~` ~' ed limit,.if established as a conditiori~o~.tliis Agre~rnrm~., •l~e modification of:sgch documents. without ctisi w
<br />... b ~ ~ : -
<br />' ~ "' •- ~ -~=inner shall be the limit of the Architect' , ies ons~ , , finder tliis'S~ctioii.5 2 3 The Ai-cliiteet:stail•be.:ezi .
<br />~.-..~
<br />~'..~:i;:.=,, _.." " ensarion m accordance wrth this: ~ . , .,__mesn~. ~a'lls~rvtces. rfozmed 9vliet~er~.or not.ilre::Constr~¢rt .'. .;'is.=::.`:.:::;:::<,:: :.:°:.:.;
<br />aced.
<br />:~~1
<br />Sn law, statutory aind:i
<br />
<br />:......:.:.:..:...................:.... ..
<br />served: g#its, uielixding CRY..., ~- ` ~ ;.::. ~ :; ..; :. .
<br />a~ any portior~.pf it;:ma 'resuEt fn seuere ~ivii:anc~;cririifnal*pettattijes~;ant
<br />purchasers are:Permitted.tb`reproduce Een:(.1"0) copiesof:it~is,iiueiitnerit`wher
<br />The American Institute of Arcti~tects'.tegai counsel; capjrrigFit@aEa:org. ::. '..
<br />
<br />