<br />§ 3.4.8 Providing services after issuance to the Owner of the final Certificate for Payment, or in the absence o!' a t~fnal
<br />Certificate for Payment, more than 60 days after the date of Substantial Completion of the Work.
<br />§ 3.4.19 Providing services of consultants for other than architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical engineering
<br />portions of the Project provided as a part of Basic Services.
<br />§ 3.4.20 Providing any other services not otherwise included in this Agreement or not customarily furnished in
<br />accordance with generally accepted architectural practice.
<br />- _ _:;:;Fr;°;.:4.1 The Owner shall provide full information in a timel manner reaazdina r uirements for and limitations on the
<br />-- - `='' ':-= ::Project, including a written. program which shall set forth the Ownei'_s'nbjebtives, schedule, constraints and criteria,
<br />_ .°-~_ ~ _ including spaceFpquiremeinfs and relationships, flexibility, e~~udability, special equipment, systems and site
<br />:';requiremen.>;s'The Ovvier°shall furnish to the Architect, within: l`5 days afrer receipt of a written request, information
<br />- _ :; ~tecessary andielevaat~or: the Architect to evaluate, give notice of or enforce lien rights.
<br />`-`~=~-;; - - - - coon
<br />- -= - v call bud et for the Project, including the Consttu
<br />;~ ~~~:~2. Theei s11all:establistiand periodically update an o e g J
<br />,, ,~j `~' _ '`=moist, te~~i~ier's~pi~TiEricosts~atcl reasonable contingencies related to all of these costs.
<br />representative authorized to act on the Qwner's behalf with respect to the Project. The
<br />atative shall render decisions in a time~~,_panner pertaining to documents submitted
<br />~- -- ~ ,. ,
<br />unreasonable delay in the ordeil~;~a~nd~~quential progress of the Architect s services.
<br />
<br />s -.
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<br />?`- _'',~T'y'~~y~~- .
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<br />to describe phy~ica.E r~iaracteristics, legal limitations and utility locations for,the
<br />1 `~~
<br />~es¢ription,~fe~~Yt'e:~The surveys and legal information shall includetras;"~~~=.
<br />alleys;. n¢n'~s and adjoining property and structures; adjacent;,[~aii~iage;'`
<br />~r~,
<br />~Jacs~pato; ents, zoning; deed restrictions, boundaries and contaur~ of the site;
<br />a~a~'~tth respeetxo existing buildings, other improvement&;and.tce'es; and
<br />:~, servtces and listes, both public and private, aboye;rd~.~low graiie, including
<br />J;c: '"'.
<br />t:nn the survey shall be referenced to a projectil~l~~ttrt~rlc.
<br />.r ' n::k' '~~'
<br />C~' .. -.~
<br />,.:,~
<br />a^ r`
<br />ae services of geotechnicaI engineers when s~ch;~ervtces are requested by the Architect.
<br />are notlin?ited.to test~borings, test pits, deterrtiitiations of soil beariQg values, percolation
<br />materials; ground corrosion-tests andresistivity tests, including necessary operations for
<br />with reports and.:appropriate-recommendations. .
<br />~tisli'~The services.of consultants otlier.than those designated=in Section 4.5 when such services
<br />_:,
<br />utec~~and• are. reasonably required by tlie.scope of the Project. .
<br />~ishsfxiicturai:~}ancah~ anld:clenii¢al::tests;~ tests for air and water poTiuti©n;:tests: for
<br />other.l`a'lioratory';and environmental tests;, inspections and:reports ,required bylaw or the..,
<br />lei Documents.
<br />~:
<br />-- ~'F`z;
<br />- - ~.~-~=:r . -
<br />-~~,~:
<br />CIA Dooumerit B~St?!±;-1y97. Copy-ighi~1979
<br />>!A° Document Es'protected.by.U_S_.Ggp'jjrfgtit±l
<br />sr any portion alit, may r@suft irrsevisxe,ci!gJS
<br />'urctiasers are permitted to reproduce-ten<(:10)
<br />fhe American iri§titute of llrchitects' Iegeil Counsel
<br />