Orange County NC Website
7 <br />1.36 Treatment Protocols. "Treatment Protocols" shall mean a document approved by thew------ r-orn+atted: sunets and Numbering <br />medical director and the Office of Emergency Medical Service specifying the diagnostic <br />procedures, treatment procedures, medication administration, and patient-care-related <br />policies that shall be completed by emergency service personnel based upon the <br />assessment of the patient. <br />1.37 ~Victim_ The term "victim" shall mean any patient or potential,patient that_is_entrapped,-•,_;;-- Dew: <br />- --------- ----------- ----- - - --- ---- - <br />entang[ed pinned, fallen, suspended, or otherwise in need of rescue services. -' Formatted: Buuehs and Numbering <br />Deleted: q <br />SECTION~I.__FRANCHISE_REQiJIRED------------------------------------- ----- Deleted:n <br />2.1 No person either as owner, agent or otherwise, shall furnish, operate, conduct, maintain,•~;----- Formatted: indent: ~ fY, <br />advertise, or otherwise be engaged in or profess to be engaged in the business or service ~ Hanging: o.s~ <br />of emergency medical service, emergency, emergent and/or non-emergency ~~ Bullets and Numbering <br />transportation of patients within the County of Orange unless the person holds a valid <br />EMS Provider License and a valid permit for each ambulance used in such business or <br />service issued by the North Carolina Department ofklealth_and_Human_Services, Office --- Delebed:x~enlteso,uces <br />of Emergency Medical Service,r_and_has been granted a franchise for the operation of_---_.- Deteted:s <br />------- - - --------- - <br />such business or services by the County pursuant to this Ordinance. <br />apatient in_one, orpennit one to be operated;----- <br />2.2 ,~To person shall drive an ambulance, attend <br />----------- formatted: Bullets and Numbering <br />_ <br />--- - <br />when transporting a patient within the County of Orange unless he or she holds a - -- Deleted: q <br />currently valid North Carolina Operator's License, aFurrentlyvalid_certificate as an EMT-__----- Deleted: na <br />(Emergency Medical Technician), AMT-I (Emergency _ Medical _Technician-__ -~ •-'-- <br />• ~~; ~y <br />-'- <br />]ntermediate), AMT-P _ Emergency--Medical Technician -_ Paramedic) _ or__M.edical <br />- - - - ------ - - - ~ <br />Deleted: F.MT-D (Emergenry Medical <br />Responder issued by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, and '• reclmioian-Desbriuata; <br />has been approved by the Orange County Medical Director to provide such service in •' Deed; <br />OrangeCountyt----------------------------------------------------------------------•--------------------------------•--- Deleted:Resoarces,officeof <br /> Emergwry Medical Services. <br />operate,_conduct, maintain,------ <br />2.3 ,~To person either as owner, agent or otherwise, shall furnish, formatted: gullets ark Numbering <br />_ <br />advertise, or otherwise be engaged in or profess to be engaged in the business or service -- D~~; q <br />of providing rescue services, medical responder services or first responder services unless <br />they have been granted a franchise for the operation of such business or service by the . <br />County pursuant to this Ordinance. <br />2.4 ~lo_franchise shall be required for_ ~•----- formatted: golfers and Numbering <br />-' Deleted: q <br />a. Any entity operated from a location or headquarter outside of the County of•------- Formatted: Tale: Not at 1.25" <br />Orange in order to transport patients who aze picked up beyond the limits of the <br />County of Orange, to facilities located within the County of.Orange, or to pick up <br />patients within the County of Orange for transporting to locations outside the <br />County of Orange; but no such entity shall be used to pick up patients within the <br />County of Orange for transporting to locations within the County of Orange or <br />other locations unless it is rendering assistance to a franchised ambulance service <br />in the case of a major catastrophe or mutual aid. <br />Page 5 of 18 <br />