<br />assistant medical director. The medical director and the assistant medical director shall
<br />meet the criteria defined in the "North Carolina College of Emergency Physicians:
<br />Standards of Medical Oversight and Data Collection," which is incorporated by reference
<br />in accordance with G.S. 150B-21.6, including subsequent amendments anal editioas.
<br />----- Formatted: No bullets or
<br />1.25. Ton-Emergency_ Trans ortation _Services. The term "non-emergency trans _ rtation~~- ' ""'"""'~
<br />--- - ------ - ---------------------- - - - ----po -- ----- Drletad: q
<br />--~ - -
<br />service" shall mean the operation of an ambulance for any purpose other than ';, ~~ .~ rem, _~~^ sbau
<br />transporting emergency or emergent patients. ~ ~~ ~~~ bs' "'~'~' h°a'
<br />pasties agree to the rums of operation of
<br />', the service to be proviskdq
<br />1.26 Operation Protocols. "Operation Protocols" shall mean the administrative policies ands. ~'•,'•, q
<br />procedures of EM.S that provides guidance for the day-to-day operations of the system. ~';~' FortnatEed: Indent" Left: o^,
<br />Hanging: 0.S
<br />1.27 ~Jperator. _The term_ "operator" shall _mean a -person- in_ actual physical control of_ any, :, '•,
<br />'
<br />' Fotmatbcd: Bullets and Numbering
<br />~,,
<br />ambulance or rescue service vehicle which is in motion or which has the engine running , Formatted: Indent; Left: o^,
<br />
<br />~ Hanging: 0.5^, Outline numbered +
<br />~ ~•
<br />person or_entity__who owns an ambulance or-,, ~, ~;
<br />shall man any
<br />1.28 Owner. The term "owner" Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3,
<br />,•, + Start at^ 26 + Alignment: Left +
<br />_
<br />_
<br />provides aservice covered by this Ordinance. Aligned an 0" + Tab after: 0.29• +
<br />Indent at: 0.29^, Tabs: 0.5", Lid
<br />,~~'
<br />'
<br />;
<br />1.29 patient. The term "patient" shall_ mean an-individual who is sick, in~ured,.wounded,_ or-; Formatted: No bullets or
<br />otherwise incapacitated or helpless such that the need for some medical assistance might ^., '~;; ~;';
<br />~ numbering
<br />be anticipated while being transported to or from a medical facility. Deleted: q
<br />Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
<br />;, •,•.
<br />1.30 ~erson.___The term_ "person" shall_ mean_ anx individual,_ firm, _partnershipj_ association,-., '•;;, ~; ~~~: Bullets and Numbering
<br />corporation, company, group of individuals acting together for a common purpose, or ;•. ;,,; Deleted: q
<br />organization of any kind, including any governmental agency other than the Umted ~'•;
<br />States. Forrttaited: Bullets and Numbering
<br />Deleted: q
<br />1.31 Practical Examination. "Practical Examination means a test where an applicant forte. ~'• Fortnattede Bulets and Numbering
<br />credentiating as an emergency medical technician, or medical responder, emergency ~ ~ De~d:1
<br />medical technician -intermediate, or emergency medical- technician -paramedic ~ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
<br />demonstrates the ability to perform specified eiergency medical care skills.
<br />1.32 escue. The teen "rescue" shall mean a removal of individuals facin _ external, non :;:-----
<br />---------•-~------------------------------------------g -
<br />--- Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
<br />-
<br />-------------------------------------
<br />medical, and non-patient related peril to areas of relative safety. -' ~~~ i
<br /> Deleted: situations whose the victim
<br />1.33 Rescue Squad or Rescue Unit. The term "rescue squad" or "rescue unit" shall mean a~~, ~~ ~~ ~ ~Wer
<br />~
<br />group of individuals who are not necessarily trained in emergency medical services, fire FO1n' Bullets and Numbering
<br />fighting, or law enforcement, but who expose themselves to an external, non-medical,
<br />and non-patient related peril to effect the removal of individuals facing the same type of
<br />peril to areas of relative safety.
<br />l .34 Secondary Ambulance Provider. The teen "secondary ambulance provider" shall mean-------- ~~++~ Bullets and Numbering
<br />the system of personnel and equipment meeting the same criteria as a primary ambulance
<br />provider, but not normally dispatched on first call response.
<br />« .~ ~---•-•
<br />1.35 ernce. The term service shall mean the same as owner.
<br />------------------------------------•---------------------------------------------------•------------------------------------- Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
<br />- Deleted: q
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