Orange County NC Website
16 <br />e. All of the records identified in subsection a through d above shall bey------ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering <br />maintained for a minimum three (3) year period unless a longer retention <br />period is otherwise required by other retention periods, _•-•--• Formatted: Font: iz pt <br />Confidentiality of Patient Records. Each franchise shall maintain-------- Formatted: Bullets and Numbering <br />confidentiality of patient records as provided by the Health Insurance <br />Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA), Public Law 104-191, <br />1~T.C. Gen. Stat. 143-518 and a!1 other state and federal law. <br />122 Each franchise shalt submit a written monthly report to the Emergency Services -------- Formatted: Left, indent. Left: o.s, <br />Director, or their designee, providing the number of calls and runs during the Hanging: o.s" <br />month. The report shall contain the number of emergency calls, the number of <br />convalescent calls, the total number of calls and the total number of patients <br />transported. <br />SECTION XIII. RATES AND CHARGES <br />13.1 Each franchisee shall submit a schedule of rates to the County for approval and-------- Formatted: Bullets and Numbering <br />shall not charge more nor less than the approved by the County rates without <br />specific approva4---• -----•----------------------------------------------- Deleted: by meco>mty <br />I32 ~To service shall attempt_to collect rates on emergency calls until_the~atient has-:,_;;-- ~~: 1 <br />--- - - - - - ---------------- ---------------------- <br />reached the point of destination, has received medical attention and is in a ~' Formatted: Bullets and Numbering <br />condition deemed by the physician fit to consult with the service, but such service <br />may attempt to collect rates with family or guardian of the patient once patient is <br />in the process of receiving medical attention. <br />13.3 On convalescent calls or calls where a person_ reguires_ transportation. to a non-~------ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering <br />emergency facility, attempts to collect payment may be made before the - '- Deleted:l <br />ambulance begins its trip. ~~: ~ <br />,iSECTION XIV. ENFORCEMENT ,'" , Formatted: tnaent. l~ o.s, <br />----------•-----------------------------------°-----•-------------------------•-•-----------------------------------------------~' •" Hanging: 0.5" <br />.- Formatted: Bullets and Numbering <br />,' -. <br />14.1 The Orange County~merg~ency Services Director~shall-be the enforcing authorit~+~ '''--•__ DeJeted:offioes°f <br />--- - <br />for the regulations contained in this Ordinancet_ Such Director will: `~ -- <br />- ~ Deleted: Ma°egemmt <br />a. Receive all franchise applicatior><from potential_providers____ ________ _ _ •-_ _ Dew` Be°`y <br />Deleted: <br />b. Review each_proposal_ for conformances to this Ordinance; ,ponduct an '•, Dew' °~a <br />investigation of the appl'icant's proposal__ unde,i consideration b~__ the 1~:; , ~~~ P~~ <br />County. Deleted: se~ay -_ <br />Deleted: ene <br />c. Recommend to the Board of Commissioners the approval/disapproval of .,' p~~; t ~ <br />the franchise(s):--- - ----_--- ~ Deleted: ra <br />----------------------------------------------•--------------------- - <br />. Deleted::) to the appL'cmt(s) <br />- submietina the beat °ro°ossl(s <br />Page 14 of 18 <br />