Orange County NC Website
Orange County Personnel Rules and Regulations Manual Issue Date: 10/21/09 $ <br />making a recommendation and the Manager, Social Services Director <br />or Health Director considers such factors as: <br />(1) The employee's work history, including length of service and <br />any past disciplinary action. <br />(2) The employee's job functions such as FTA or County safety <br />sensitive job functions. <br />(3) The circumstances of the positive test result. <br />b. Pending the County's decision as to disciplinary action, the employee <br />is removed from duty and receives leave with pay for the regularly <br />scheduled work hours. <br />c. If the decision is to dismiss the employee, any such dismissal is <br />handled as provided in Article IX of the Ordinance. An employee <br />who is dismissed is referred to the County's Employee Assistance <br />Program for substance abuse assessment and referral for treatment. <br />d. If the decision is to allow the employee to continue in employment, <br />such employment is contingent on the employee's signed acceptance <br />of the terms of the County's written Return to Duty Agreement. <br />2. Return to Duty Agreement. <br />a_ The Return to Duty Agreement terms include: <br />(1) The employee's acceptance of mandatory referral through the <br />County's Employee Assistance Program for substance abuse <br />assessment and treatment and the requirement for the approval <br />of a substance abuse professional before return to work. <br />(2) A requirement that the employee have a negative test for drugs <br />and an alcohol test with a result of less that 0.02 prior to return <br />to duty. <br />(3) The employee's agreement to unannounced follow up testing, <br />including at least six tests in the 12 months after return to duty <br />and tests continuing for up to five years. <br />(4) An agreement to comply with the substance abuse treatment <br />plan and to provide reports as to compliance to the Human <br />Resource Department. <br />Page 15 <br />