Orange County NC Website
to programs to persons with limited English proficiency (LEP), pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights <br />Act of 1964. This may mean providing language assistance or ensuring that program information is <br />available in the appropriate languages for the geographic area served by the jurisdiction and that limited <br />English proficient persons have meaningful access to HPRP assistance. If the procedures that the <br />grantee intends to use to make known the availability of the rental assistance and services are unlikely <br />to reach persons of any particular race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, familial status, or <br />disability who may qualify for such rental assistance and services, the grantee must establish additional <br />procedures that will ensure that such persons are made aware of the rental assistance and services. <br />In addition, all notices and communications shall be provided in a manner that is effective for <br />persons with hearing, visual, and other communication-related disabilities consistent with section 504 <br />of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and implementing regulations at 24 CFR 8.6 <br />4. Affirmatively further fair housing opportunities for classes protected under the Fair Housing <br />Act. Protected classes include race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and familial status. <br />Examples of affirmatively furthering fair housing include: (1) marketing the program to all eligible <br />persons, including persons with disabilities and persons with limited English proficiency; (2) making <br />buildings and communications that facilitate applications and service delivery accessible to persons <br />with disabilities (see, for example, HUD's rule on effective communications at 24 CFR 8.6); (3) <br />providing fair housing counseling services or referrals to fair housing agencies; (4) informing <br />participants of how to file a housing discrimination complaint, including providing the toll-free number <br />for the Housing Discrimination Hotline: 1800-669-9777; and (5) recruiting landlords and service <br />providers in areas that expand housing choice to program participants. <br />5. Not, in providing program assistance, discriminate against a program participant or prospective <br />program participant on the basis of religion or religious belief. <br />6. Not engage in inherently religious activities, such as worship, religious instruction, or <br />proselytization as part of the programs or services funded under HPRP. If an organization conducts <br />such activities, the activities must be offered separately, in time or location, from the programs or <br />services funded under HPRP, and participation must be voluntary for the program participants. <br />7. If religious organization participating in HPRP, will retain its independence from federal, <br />state, and local governments, and may continue to carry out its mission, including the definition, <br />practice, and expression of its religious beliefs, provided that it does not use direct HPRP funds to <br />support any inherently religious activities, such as worship, religious instruction, or proselytization. <br />Among other things, faith-based organizations may use space in their facilities to provide HPRP-funded <br />services, without removing religious art, icons, scriptures, or other religious symbols. In addition, a <br />HPRP-funded religious organization retains its authority over its internal governance, and it may retain <br />religious terms in its organization's name, select its board members on a religious basis, and include <br />religious references in its organization's mission statements and other governing documents. <br />I. Uniform Administrative and Reportin~quirements <br />Recipient: <br />1. Shall ensure that all subcontracts and other contracts for goods and services for an ARRA- <br />funded project have the mandated provisions of this directive in their contracts. Pursuant to Title XV, <br />Section 1512 of the ARRA, the State shall require that the Recipient provide reports and other <br />employment information as evidence to document the number of jobs created or jobs retained by this <br />contract from the Recipient's own workforce and any sub-contractors. No direct payment will be made <br />for providing said reports, as the cost for same shall be included in the various items in the contract. <br />Orange County <br />Grant Award Agreement, p. 9 <br />