Orange County NC Website
5. Reimburse OERI for any amount of grant assistance improperly expended, either <br />deliberately or unintentionally <br />6. Post with the local Employment Security Commission Office all positions for which he intends <br />to hire workers as a result of being awarded this contract. Labor and semiskilled positions must be <br />posted for at least 48 hours before the hiring decision. All other positions must be posted a <br />minimum posting of five days before the hiring decision. Recipient and any Subcontractor shall <br />report the new hires in the manner prescribed by the Employment Security Commission and the <br />OERI. A provision requiring this posting must be included with respect to any subcontractor <br />receiving ARRA funds. <br />B. Financial Management Systems <br />1. Implement policies, practices and procedures that substantially mitigate the potential for fraud, <br />waste and abuse of HPRP funds. <br />2. Maintain and utilize a financial management system that meets the standards of OERI and <br />HUD. In addition to the requirements set forth in this paragraph, OERI reserves the right to mandate <br />additional changes to the requirements to Recipient's financial management system to ensure that <br />Recipient's financial management system is sufficient. <br />3. Adhere to the requirement that if a state or local government voluntarily contributes its own <br />funds to supplement federally funded activities, the state or local government has the option to <br />segregate the federal funds or commingle them. However, if the funds are commingled, the <br />requirements listed above apply to all of the commingled funds. <br />C. Audits, Records Retention and all Forms <br />1. Comply with the requirements of OERI and the Office of Management and Budget Circular A- <br />133 regarding audits of states, local governments and non-profits. <br />2. Comply with all applicable record and retention requirements in this Agreement or stated in <br />applicable federal or state law ("Recordkeeping"). Recipient shall provide any duly authorized <br />representative of OERI, the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency, North Carolina Deparhnent <br />of Health and Human Services, HUD, or any other governmental entity at all times access to and <br />the right to inspect, copy, monitor, and examine all of the books, papers, records, and other <br />instruments relating to the Program and the Program funds. OERI requires that the Recipient and <br />subcontractors agree to allow the Office of State Budget and Management internal auditors and <br />state agency internal auditors access to records and employees pertaining to the performance of any <br />contract awarded by a public agency. All original files shall be maintained at Recipient's offices or <br />other acceptable location under Recipient's control for access purposes. In addition, Recipient will <br />submit all reports as outlined in HPRP guidelines and as required by the State of North Carolina and <br />HUD all other records pertinent to the Program shall be retained by Recipient for a period of five <br />years from the date of the closeout of the Program, except as follows: <br />a. Records that are the subject of auditing findings shall be retained for five years or <br />until such audit findings have been resolved, whichever is later; <br />b. Records for disbursement of Program funds shall be retained for seven years <br />after its final disposition; <br />Orange County <br />Grant Award Agreement, p. 3 <br />