Orange County NC Website
A. 306 Revere Road Building <br />The Board is asked to consider the proposed space allocations as outlined and if in <br />agreement direct the item be placed on an upcoming regular agenda for action. Cost <br />analysis will be provided at that time and reflect any input offered by Commissioners. <br />B. Divestiture Decisions <br />The Board is asked to offer input and direction with regards to moving forward with the <br />process to sell 1914 New Hope Church Road and 129 East King Street. <br />Staff will proceed with the required formal steps based upon Board consensus and at the <br />appropriate time these items will appear on a regular Board agenda for action. <br />C. Hillsborough Commons <br />The Board is asked to provide input as to whether it still considers the purchase of this <br />property by the County to be a primary consideration. A formal decision can wait until <br />sometime in mid-2011, but the ability of the County to finance the purchase of the property <br />could be impacted by other financing decisions the Board may make between now and that <br />time. <br />It is suggested that `regardless' of a decision to actually purchase the property, the Board <br />give staff authorization to attempt to re-open negotiations with the property owner in an effort <br />to address the impacts of local and national economic conditions on commercial real estate <br />values and determine if circumstances allow for further negotiations between the County <br />and property owner. <br />Items to be considered would include but not be limited to: the sales price; the amount and <br />number of months that a portion of the rent payment applies to the purchase price; the <br />inclusion of one acre of land (now paved parking) that was excluded by the lease agreement <br />for the property to be purchased; an extension to the purchase option period by two years <br />from February 2012 to February 2014; and other conditions or terms that may arise during <br />those discussions. Financial Services Director Clarence Grier has been developing a <br />financial analysis of a purchase/lease decision. That information would be used as a basis <br />to re-open negotiations <br />D. Other direction or input that Commissioners may desire to provide staff on these issues that <br />aid in moving these items to a final determination is welcomed. <br />Finally, the County does not want to leave recently vacated buildings empty for too long of a <br />period of time. Vacant buildings easily fall victim to vandalism or other problems creating <br />unknown liabilities. <br />