Orange County NC Website
• Clarify expectations for BOCC involvement on standing and ad hoc committees <br />Other items: <br />• Conflict of interest. We should require that BOCC members disclose their <br />relationships with nonprofits, e.g., serving on various Board of Directors, when casting <br />votes that may impact those nonprofits. Serving isn't a conflict of interest, but it is <br />good practice to disclose the relationship. <br />• HSAC has atime-limited responsibility vs. an ongoing charge. Their role is to make <br />recommendations about community human service priorities, not funding amounts. <br />BOCC role is to create a budget that reflects and balances all the county's priorities, <br />not just humans services. <br />~ Should Health and DSS staff review applications for funding to minimize service <br />duplications and make funding recommendations? <br />Valerie Foushee <br />Chair <br />Donna S. Baker <br />Clerk to the Board <br />