Minutes - 20091204
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20091204
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2/10/2010 12:24:12 PM
Creation date
2/3/2010 10:24:17 AM
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Agenda - 12-04-2009
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Statutory committees <br />Committees to sunset <br />What are other priorities for committees in Orange County? <br />• Make committee charges consistent with goals priorities and overall mission <br />• Make committees more accountable in their reporting to BOCC <br />Next Steps <br />For immediate action: <br />SOG provides list of existing ABC aligned with current goals and priorities: <br />• Based on today's discussion and materials, the manager and BOCC members will <br />each prepare potential lists of ABC that could be changed. This may mean <br />dissolving, merging, reducing their charge, or some other option(s). When? How <br />to discuss? <br />• To aid in BOCC understanding of what each ABC does, staff will prepare a brief <br />template of `report of actions taken' for each ABC meeting. The draft will <br />represent a first draft of what information is required, how much, and when. The <br />report, to be prepared by staff, may include a brief statement of the ABC charge <br />and actions taken. It should be available on the county's main website, along <br />with a link to the directors' report or ABC minutes. When? <br />• Appoint a BOCC and staff subcommittee to undertake the following issues (not <br />the fate of individual ABCs!). The notes and other materials come back to full <br />BOCC to decide how the subcommittee will work, what topics they will address, <br />and subcommittee membership. Bernadette, Alice, and Pam expressed interest <br />in serving. <br />Potential items to be considered and decided: <br />• Develop a defined process of how to assign BOCC to ABC. <br />• Plan an annual, simple, low-cost way to recognize and acknowledge the work of <br />ABC. <br />• Decide under what conditions/whether to appoint and charge a group for <br />action. [Create BOCC discipline!] <br />• Determine guidelines and adopt policies for establishing ad hoc and standing <br />boards <br />• Decide how staff time gets allocated and assigned to ABC. Include a process for <br />how BOCC and ABC volunteers make assignments to staff. <br />• Prepare an orientation for volunteers that will serve on ABC: their roles, <br />expectations, liability, etc. <br />• Review the current ABC application process to ensure that we're getting the best <br />fit of volunteers to serve the purposes of each ABC. [Vaughn has sample criteria <br />matrix to share.] <br />
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