Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Attachment B <br />Rural Operating Assistance Program <br />TRANSIT VITAL SIGNS <br />Historical Operating Statistics <br />Elderly/Disabled Transportation Assistance Program (EDTAP)• provides transit to <br />individuals that are not agency supported and certify under the elderly (60+) or disabled <br />process. There are six medical routes (M-F) along with two dialysis routes (M-Sat) that <br />these funds support. These routes are supported by billing a $3.00 co-payment per trip. <br />These funds are utilized to allow service to continue yearly. All of these routes are at or <br />near capacity. <br />2007 2008 2009 % of change <br />EDTAP $ $74,933 $94,023 $93,745 -0.06% <br />Total Tri s 10,090 12,831 10,744 -15.8% <br />Cost er Tri $7.43 $7.33 $10.07 +7.31 <br />1Jxplain +/- 10% variance between FY 08 and FY 09 performance. Cost per trip increase <br />is due to the location of LTNC and Duke medical facilities. Many of these clinics are <br />located further away (LJNC in Durham County, Duke in Alamance and Orange County). <br />This causes an increase in payroll, fuel consumption, and operational hours. <br />Rural General Public (RGP): provides fixed route service to Orange County residents. <br />The Hillsborough to Chapel Hill public route #420 is supported through these funds. <br />There are two public fixed deviated routes: One covers the Cedar Grove/Efland areas <br />with fixed stops in Cedar Grove and Efland. This route deviates for Orange Enterprise <br />clients. The second route covers Chapel Hill/Carrboro areas. There are fixed stops in <br />Hillsborough, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro and provides general public and Orange <br />Enterprise transit service. Both of the fixed deviated routes are at or near capacity. <br />2007 2008 2009 % of change <br />RGP $ $79,696 $81,763 ~ $93,682 -18.5% <br />Total Trips 64,526 71,913 57,982 -19.6% <br />Cost er Trip $1.37 $1.14 $1.61 +25.2% <br />Explain +/- 10% variance between FY 08 and FY 09 performance. Reduction due to <br />Chapel Hill Transit operating the peak hour service for the 420 (Hillsborough to Chapel <br />Hill public route). Chapel Hill Transit provided 23,919 rides during peak hours <br />added to the nonpeak hour trips would have shown a 2.6% increase in ridership. <br />Chapel Hill Transit is under contract with Triangle Transit to provide the peak hour <br />services. Cost per trip up due to the same reason. <br />