Orange County NC Website
RESPONSE TO 2010-2015 CONSOLIDATED PLAN -DECEMBER 2009 <br />I) Subpart A: General Program Overview and Definitions - ~ 9l I <br />Over the past 38 years, WFN, Inc. has worked with federal, state and local government grant <br />programs in Metro-Atlanta, in particulaz, Cobb County, Georgia [since 1982], Gwinnett County, <br />Georgia [since 1986] and Clayton County, Georgia [since 1998]. The overazching focus of the fum <br />has been to ensure that services are provided to the taxpayers in the most efficient and cost effective <br />manner. As stewazds of the public trust, WFN, Inc. strives to maintain a balanced and fair approach <br />in all of its grant management activities. We aze dedicated to program integration and simplification <br />resulting in a streamlined approach to program administration with acost-conscious management <br />process. <br />WFN, Inc. believes that it is not necessary to create additional functional entities each time a new <br />federal and state grant program is introduced. By combining resources to address similar needs, <br />eliminating duplication of personnel and equipment and developing relevant processes, we aze able <br />to reduce administrative costs. This approach allows more grant dollars to fund the actual facilities <br />and services, thus serving more citizens. This approach has served our clients well. <br />WFN, Inc. provides expert advice and up-to-date information to its clients to ensure that programs <br />are effectively implemented in a timely manner. The complexities of various grant programs require <br />multiple reporting formats to provide status reports and grant activities at many levels. WFN, inc. <br />provides up-to-date information on all on-going projects to clients in a monthly management report <br />along with monthly meetings to discuss program progress with the appropriate County-liaison staff. <br />WFN, Inc. has provided all aspects of program planning, design, implementation, and administration <br />services for HUD-funded grant programs. This includes the preparation of each jurisdiction's <br />Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan prepazation and submission to HUD. <br />2) Subpart B: Citizen Participation and Consultation - $ 91.100 <br />WFN, Inc. will collaborate with the agencies that provide: housing and social services; fair housing <br />services; homeless services; health services; chronically homeless services; Lead-based Paint <br />services, as well as collaborate with adjacent State [non-housing], County, metropolitan planning <br />agencies and the local public housing authority. WFN, Inc. will also collaborate with neighborhood- <br />serving organizations located with the Orange County HOME Consortium. <br />In addition to services required as Program Management Consultants for Clayton, Cobb, Gwinnett <br />and Henry Counties and the City of Dalton, WFN, Inc. has also performed the following tasks: <br />1. Creation of the Cobb Collaborative [A group of over 40 non-profits and public service agencies <br />that works with community organizations to facilitate the sharing of ideas, expertise and <br />resources to meet the needs and resolve issues to assist all individuals, families and <br />communities in Cobb County]; <br />2. Interaction with the Clayton Collaborative and Gwinnett County Human Services Coalition; <br />3. And, meets regularly with Chairmen, County and City Managers and liaison personnel with <br />grantee agencies. <br />In order to maximize citizen participation, WFN, Inc. will conduct Public Hearings, a Fair Housing <br />Survey and a Needs Assessment Survey for residents, non-profits, and community advocates. WFN, <br />Inc. will interview local non-profit housing and non-housing agencies serving the Orange County <br />HOME Consortium. <br />4 <br />