Orange County NC Website
5. Project Timeline <br />WFN, Inc. will complete a draft version of the Orange County HOME Consortium's Consolidated Five-Year Plan, to include an <br />Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, by March 26, 2010. The following Gantt Chart outlines the timeline WFN, Inc. will <br />complete the steps outlined in the Scope of Services, assuming the contract award date of January 22, 2010. <br />Proposed Schedule for CanPlan and A» I. Pr~parati+an <br /> <br />~anurry <br />L <br />February <br />', March <br />~ Aprll <br />_ <br />__ <br />--- <br />- <br />_ <br />iSi~in contact as au~rarci~d consuitant and kaegs'n r~s~~3rch fnr CQnsniid~t~d 5-Y~ar <br />'P'-~n end Analysis of Tmpedirnents to Fair Housit~ri Ciaoice <br />~ <br />~Ff_-view previously ccamleted <br />~ol~~3ar~t and A, 1. <br />t >n~ Pict local nnn-profits iror input ir~tc~ "needs assessment" sect%vns <br />_.... ..,_.__. ,.._. ~__ ___.~._ _._.._ ._..__~.__ <br /><i'r~=~u e pubiiCrkr~tiCet~dvet~i~~rnent fs~r citlxett prCicr~a~Ci~n of t~t~n~lt-~r~ ~,I,d ~, I _._... ,... _..__ __,._ ........... .. <br />~ .. ._„__.... M....,.. <br />iFzr'l3c~r r7~IIQfY <br />iAn;~iyzo ~1crnr3sgraphi~ data and cnnstrusrt rn~ps r~:[atiuo tc~ the ~c:opc cif Sc~rvicr=~s <br />~r t ~~.~- ~e Cant~ian end ~. 1, _ ~ ._ ~ ~.~_, ___..~.,...~. <br />w <br />~..w. <br />r i~. ,t ~'tablic Mearing~s~ to gather needs assessment data frcam residents t~f the - <br />:r, ~:n;urrity <br />.. __w-___-___...~....~... _...~....~.._...~....~.._....._ <br />~...y.W..~ <br />_..._.Y._ ' <br />~ _ ' <br />. <br />_m_._ <br />_ <br />,~c~nduct on-line cr~rrrl~lurtity-+,,rlde? survey with housing prwafc~siun7ls in t~ac~ pulp#~: . _. __~ __ ..~ _ _.~.__._..._.~~ <br />~~ ~tI pr°IVatc scctol'~ to ir-ciudo ie~efir~g prnfessionais, rnad e~~e~t~ prc~f~asinnai~, ~ _... <br />n <br />~?nprafit prafessin~~ais, and government officials to ascertain pcreeptiar~s of the= ~ <br />~ <br />`current hnusing trtari~et and housing-related services <br />~Qntinue research utiiizir>g resource toms to include Z~3C?tl ~:er~sr~s data, Fair ~ <br />=Nou~ing pianrtinc3 ~> ide, f~ll.}~` ~ulc~eiines fnr Preparing +~nn(>i~~n 'Sul~i~issinr~rs fnr _._. <br />_~ i <br />~ <br />,,L[?~'~i 3U{'15t~1[t-S~~!S, database res+=~r~f1 pn ho~using tr8rads, ~tid se~g#~~c~t~ori <br />dnc;i}'sifi. <br />iFrc~pare draft copies of Cc~nPian~ ' st Fear Action Pian arrd Analysis of <br />I,~3pec€ir~xents to Fair Flousir~~o ch{ .,e for City pE~r_,uf3rlC.i <br />~~rr~pare~ pub~i~ nnfice/advertisernent far citizen par~ticrpatinn In revie4vin~J the draft <br /> <br />t~~~nf~i~i~ tend A, 1 ~I eparatian ~ <br />_ ...._ ..~.,..~. ~ ..._ .~, ~... -M,._., ...- ... F.. .._. .~ ........... ....... .~ <br />i~ansc~rtiurn ~anCi pr~~p.are r~:'visiat~s ~s requested ley <br />I <br />~~ <br />~ <br />bec~ ...........,.... ... ..... ......_..... >.. _. ._ .... ...~,.. .. _..~ <br />~rturn <br />~~ n <br />r <br />,~,. <br />bers <br />C-or~i~l~tri f~nai drs3ft of CartPian and A. 1, and su(al~r7it tide cni~i~s tired Qi1p <br />, , <br />~ <br />',=+~tr, r~ic e~ a~" to the Qrar~c~e' ~CountY Cor~s~artiu„1 fc~ final subrr~issian to H~~C~ <br />_ ~ .~e~e. .. rH_ <br />_. uF .,. .~~ ~~Wa , <br />s <br />- ~ - <br /> <br />~ ..n~.~ .n .m_ . ~~ . <br />~ ~ ~ __ ~. v,. <br />_..~m ~~ ,,...~.~..~ .~. <br />__.. <br />*Assuming a 30-day comment period to satisfy the Orange County HOME Consortium's Citizen Participation requirement in preparing and finalizing t/te 5-Year <br />Consolidated Plan. <br />9 <br />