Orange County NC Website
RESPONSE TO 2010-2015 CONSOLIDATED PLAN -DECEMBER 2009 <br />10. Finally, WFN, Inc. will deterraine if any government-assisted housing is at-risk of going free <br />market or being lost from the inventory. This determination will include the name of each housing <br />development, the type of complex, and the number of units, applicable assisted program, address, <br />and potential conversion date. <br />C. § 91.215: Strategic Plan <br />Task 4: Strategic Plan to include 1st Year Action Plan <br />WFN, Inc. will review [with the Orange County HOME Consortium] the completed Housing Market <br />Analysis and work with the County to develop a strategy for providing services to the "tazget <br />group[s]" in a collaborative effort to assist in creating the Orange County HOME Consortium's <br />Strategic Plan. <br />WFN, Inc. will prepare a Strategic Plan, to include a 1 S` Yeaz Annual Action Plan, that will detail <br />how the Orange County HOME Consortium intends to provide new or improved availability, <br />affordability, and sustainability of decent housing, suitable living environment, and economic <br />opportunities, principally for extremely-low, low and moderate income residents with the use of <br />federal funds for Fiscal Years 2010-2014. WFN, Inc. will publish Public Notices, and host Public <br />Hearings in order to meet the Orange County HOME Consortium's Citizen Participation Process in <br />preparing and submitting the Strategic Plan and 1S` Year Action Plan. WFN, Inc. staff members are <br />trained on the use of the Consolidated Plan Management Process [CPMP] Tool, and have completed <br />Annual Action Plans, CAPERS and Consolidated Plans for our four client-jurisdictions utilizing this <br />tool since 2004. <br />Task 5: Other Requirements <br />After preparing the draft Consolidated Plan, WFN, Inc. will address all comments and/or <br />recommendations by County staff, Consortium members, County Commissioners, the public or other <br />stakeholders. WFN, Inc. will prepare and track all revisions made to the draft[s] as requested by <br />County personnel. WFN, Inc. will provide the County with five sets of the draft [and final] <br />Consolidated 5-Year Plan and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice accompanied by an <br />electronic compact disc [CD], completed in Microsoft Office Word [2003] format. WFN, Inc. will <br />include both a bibliography, and a resource binder to include all data sources, copies of data <br />collected, and any other records or. supporting documentation used in the compilation and . <br />development of the Consolidated 5-year Plan and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. <br />WFN, Inc. will assist Orange County HOME Consortium personnel in preparing all Public Notices, <br />Memorandums, Advertisements, and announcements/updates for inclusion on the County's website <br />in English, Spanish, and any other appropriate languages <br />