Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4k
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4k
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Last modified
9/26/2012 2:30:47 PM
Creation date
1/29/2010 4:32:44 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 02-02-2010
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RESPONSE TO 2010-2015 CONSOLIDATED PLAN -DECEMBER 2009 <br />- The number of public housing units in the jurisdiction; <br />- The physical condition of such units; <br />- The restoration and revitalization needs of public housing projects within the jurisdiction; <br />- The number of families on public housing and tenant-based Section 8 waiting lists; and <br />- Results from the Section 504 needs assessment of public housing projects located within its <br />boundaries [i.e. assessment of needs of tenants and applicants on waiting list for accessible <br />units as required by 24 CFR 8.25]. <br />4. WFN, Inc. will provide anavailable/affordable inventory listing to describe the number and <br />targeting [income level and type of household served] of units currently assisted by local, state, or <br />federally funded programs, and an assessment of whether any such units aze expected to be lost <br />from the assisted housing inventory for any reason, [i.e. expiration of Section 8 contracts]. <br />5. WFN, Inc.'s inventory listing [and narrative description] will include a summary of the existing <br />facilities and services that assist homeless persons and families with children and subpopulations <br />to include outreach and assessment services, emergency shelters and services, transitional <br />housing, permanent supportive housing, access to permanent housing, and activities to prevent <br />low-income individuals and families with children [especially extremely low-income] from <br />becoming homeless. This inventory of facilities should include [to the extent it is available to the <br />Orange County HOME Consortium] an estimate of the percentage or number of beds and <br />supportive services programs that are serving people that are chronically homeless. <br />6. WFN, Inc. will describe the supply versus demand of housing in the Orange County HOME <br />Consortium, as well as general mazket conditions and housing trends with an emphasis on the <br />changes in: <br />- Socioeconomic, employment, population, and income characteristics; <br />- Housing land use trends and general absorption analysis [for rent and for sale]; <br />- Impediments /opportunities created by the market conditions for: <br />o Promoting new home ownership <br />o Producing rental housing <br />o Alleviating overcrowding <br />o Meeting the needs of underserved populations <br />7. WFN, Inc. will also provide a description of overall demand for housing to include: <br />- Identification and description of the demand needs for home ownership by first-time <br />homebuyer [describe constraints and trends]. <br />- An aggregate analysis [the new demands for additional units by type/tenure of units] <br />- And, to the degree practical, identification of any potential need for additional units by <br />income category and type of family [elderly, lazge family, small family, and single persons]. <br />8. WFN, Inc. will identify and describe the concentration of low-income azeas, as well as <br />concentrations of minorities within the Orange County HOME Consortium. WFN, Inc. will <br />provide maps to depict this information, as well as a narrative summary. <br />9. WFN, Inc. will identify and describe the government assisted affordable housing multifamily <br />complexes [non Public Housing Authority [PHA]] within the County to include: <br />- the name of project; <br />- address; <br />- number of units; <br />- average rent structures; <br />- nature of assisted financing; and, <br />- nature of supportive services. <br />
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