Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4k
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4k
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9/26/2012 2:30:47 PM
Creation date
1/29/2010 4:32:44 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 02-02-2010
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RESPONSE TO 2010-2015 CONSOLIDATED PLAN -DECEMBER 2009 <br />J Subpart C: Local Governments • Contents of Consolidated Plan - ~ 9I 200 <br />WFN, Inc. will prepare a Consolidated Plan which provides a concise summary of the Orange <br />County HOME Consortium's estimated housing needs projected for the ensuing five-yeaz period. <br />Housing data included in this portion of the plan shall be based on U.S. Census data, as updated by <br />any properly conducted local study, or any other reliable sources that the jurisdiction clearly <br />identifies, and should reflect the consultation with social service agencies and other entities <br />conducted in accordance with §91.100 and the citizen participation process conducted in accordance <br />with §91.105. <br />A. § 91.205: Housing, Homeless. and Non-Homeless Needs (Including HOPWAI <br />Task 1: Housing Needs <br />WFN, Inc. will review the Orange County HOME Consortium's 2005-2010 Consolidated Plan and <br />Fair Housing-related documentation, Continuum of Care and past homeless studies prior to engaging <br />in further housing needs research [if available]. This information will provide a background analysis <br />for the Orange County HOME Consortium. <br />WFN, Inc. will address specific housing needs in the form of a "housing market analysis" to establish <br />priorities, goals and measurable outcomes based upon the needs derived from the analysis of the <br />information collected. This analysis will address specific housing issues to include an "affordability <br />snapshot" which will address the cost burdens associated with rental prices and the affordability of <br />homeownership within the Orange County HOME Consortium. The "affordability snapshot" will <br />provide "Cost of Living" scenarios that will detail the average monthly costs for Orange County <br />HOME Consortium families [one and four-person households] at four distinct income levels; varying <br />from the "high" income bracket [120% of the area median income] down to the "very low/low" <br />income brackets [30% and below, 31%-50% and 51% - 80% of the area median income]. The <br />purpose of these scenarios is to detail "affordable" cost of living snapshots for families at different <br />income levels in the Orange County HOME Consortium. <br />We will also provide an aggregate listing of rental housing [at various income levels] to depict <br />surplus and/or deficiencies that exist at various income levels for residents of the Orange County <br />HOME Consortium. The income levels will be addresses in the categories of very low income [30% <br />and below AMI], low income households [31-50% AMI], moderate income [51-80% AMI] and <br />"middle income j81 - 120% AMI]. This analysis will also encompass a review of substandard living <br />conditions, as well as overcrowding. The models WFN, Inc. will provide will result in an <br />affordabilitylavailability format. <br />WFN, Inc. will use housing-based census records to include current data sources, documents and <br />field surveys to estimate current and projected housing needs for the next five yeazs. If requested, <br />WFN, Inc. will also include a "barriers analysis" which will provide a discussion regarding any racial <br />or ethnic group that have a disproportionately greater need in a specific income category compared to <br />the overall needs of that particular income category. <br />Task 2: Homeless Needs <br />WFN, Inc. will review the Orange County HOME Consortium's most recent sheltered and <br />unsheltered surveys, and point-in-time homeless survey prepared by the local Continuum of Care [if <br />available]. This information will provide a background analysis for the Orange County HOME <br />Consortium's homeless needs. <br />WFN, Inc. will survey local non-profits specializing in emergency, transitional, and permanent <br />housing and shelter programs in order to identify and describe the need for facilities and services for <br />the homeless population. This survey will include needs assessments for sub-categories of the <br />
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