Orange County NC Website
<br />The Board considered approval of County and School capital project ordinances for <br />fiscal year 2008-09 and reallocation of $100,000 in 2007-08 approved capital funds to allow for <br />emergency purchase of Animal Control trucks. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the first attachment and #27 on page 4 of 4, <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools, and said that Carrboro High School addition should be <br />included in here; she noted that the addition includes an auditorium. She said that #32 should <br />read, "Southern Human Services Dental Clinic/Additional Space for Health Department." <br />Regarding #18 and the Renovation of Link Government Services Center, <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested that this be considered a reserve project as opposed to an <br />authorized project because it is not well-defined. It will still be in the budget. <br />Laura Blackmon said that staff is in the process of working with the architect to develop <br />the plan and she is not sure what putting this in a reserve would do. <br />Chair Jacobs said that a lot of the items are for future discussion and the Board agreed <br />that in the fall, it would revisit the CIP. Hopefully, by the time the Board revisits these projects, <br />there will be more specific information on some of these projects. <br />Laura Blackmon said that the purpose of this item was to approve the ordinances, and <br />the rest is backup material that the County Commissioners requested. <br />Commissioner Gordon just wants to make sure that her concerns are noted. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the Elementary School #11 project funds and <br />said that the County needs to be clear with the two school systems about exactly what must be <br />done to request projects. In the notebook dated September 20, 2007, there were a number of <br />projects brought forth by both school systems, and Elementary #11 was flagged for funding. It <br />seems that it is appropriate to consider how to fund the planning money, which is $640,130 for <br />fiscal year 2008. She hopes that the Board will give direction to the staff tonight because this. <br />has been unfunded and on the list for a long time. She would like to see the Board direct staff <br />to work with CHCCS in getting the $640,130 planning money in the 2008 budget and direct <br />staff to work out a funding plan for Elementary #11 that will be included in the documents. <br />Donna Coffey said that, as CHCCS indicated on April 22"d, the timeline for the school is <br />not as pressing as it was and it is looking at opening Elementary #11 a year later. There is <br />more time to work on a funding plan. The staff can bring back a plan at the first meeting in <br />August. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested that the Board approve the County's capital requests and the <br />OCS capital requests and defer the CHCCS requests, until the Board of Education members <br />and the other County Commissioners can be present to discuss this request; direct staff to try <br />and find planning money within the monies that have already been requested by CHCCS. <br />There is no place to find $640,130 and the fact that the County Commissioners got a CIP that <br />did not include this is very perplexing. He said that it ought to have been part of the CIP. He <br />wants all five County Commissioners and the school board members to be present when this is <br />discussed again. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that she thought that the staff would be bringing back <br />more concrete numbers in August and this will keep CHCCS on the planning track. She <br />agrees with this direction. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she asked Donna Coffey about the amount of the <br />lottery proceeds. This year, CHCCS got $988,000 and the County Commissioners said that it <br />could spend $624,000 on space for classrooms for Phoenix Academy and some other things. <br />In the fourth quarter, OCS is expected to get $200,000 and CHCCS $325,000. She wants to <br />get the lottery proceeds as soon as possible, just in case there is any movement to sequester <br />the proceeds by the State. She suggested approving capital project ordinances for all of the <br />projects and then go back and get more specific information. She would like to encourage <br />