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Commissioner Jacobs said that he understands why this is titled the way it is, but it is <br /> unfortunate that it is a negative statement. He thinks of it as the reallocation of funds to better <br /> address traffic flow in the Hillsborough area. He said that there are some simple improvements <br /> that could make a major difference. He thinks that Orange County needs to have a discussion <br /> about how it wants its traffic to flow instead of going along with what NCDOT has said. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Jim Ray said that he has been involved in this issue for probably 25 years. He has <br /> been on three committees for the Town of Hillsborough. He read from his handout: "The <br /> purpose of the project is to reduce traffic congestion on Churton Street in the central business <br /> district in terms of traffic delay at intersections and travel time in the peak period and the peak <br /> direction. The traffic through the central business district of Hillsborough on Churton Street <br /> operates on congested conditions due to the limited lane capacity, lack of turn lanes, close <br /> spacing of traffic signals, and the presence of on-street parking. The congestion is most <br /> severe in the central business district on Churton Street between NC 86, US 70 Business <br /> south of the Eno River, and Tryon Street. The Churton Street intersection delay at Margaret <br /> Lane and King Street is expected to increase by over 700% compared to 2005 conditions and <br /> the delay at Tryon Street is expected to increase by over 4,000%. What this means for <br /> motorists is that it takes 6-8 minutes with 2005 conditions to drive 1.2 miles of Churton Street <br /> through downtown Hillsborough. The 1.2 miles is from 70 to where 70-A meets Churton Street. <br /> It is projected to take 36.8 minutes to travel the same distance in 2025 with the no-build <br /> conditions. The annual vehicle hours of delay along downtown Churton Street are projected to <br /> grow exponentially from about 163,200 hours in 2005 to 3,067,200 in 2025, for a 19-fold <br /> increase. This will require parallel congestion relief routes and other land use strategies to <br /> mitigate traffic conditions in Hillsborough." He said that Brady Road Extension would be a <br /> parallel route. <br /> Scott Ray said that when his father started with the Elizabeth Brady Road issue, he <br /> was born. Now his son is 8 and he hopes that he is not talking to the Board of County <br /> Commissioners in 25 years trying to figure out how to keep traffic off of Lawrence Road. He <br /> lives outside of Hillsborough and he is thrilled to hear that the County Commissioners are <br /> concerned about representing the County residents against Hillsborough's projects. He said <br /> that the EDD task force specifically recommended the three alignments of Elizabeth Brady <br /> Road in 2001 as the first, second, and third priorities. No-build was not one of the top three, <br /> and it was #6. He read some facts from the EDD task force recommendation: <br /> - First recommendation is Elizabeth Brady Road alignment 3 through Poplar Ridge <br /> - Second recommendation is Elizabeth Brady Road alignment 2, averting the race <br /> track <br /> - Third recommendation is original alignment. <br /> He said that he drove down Erwin Road today at 5:00 and he saw Hillsborough's future <br /> of bumper to bumper cars. He said that the no-build option did not address any environmental, <br /> cultural, or infrastructural impact by forcing ever increasing on roads never intended for the <br /> capacity. He said that because Hillsborough chose the no-build option, then Old NC 10, <br /> Lawrence Road, 70-A, Old Mountain Road, and West Hill Avenue will become de facto <br /> bypasses. He asked the Board of County Commissioners to vote against this resolution. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that this issue has been discussed extensively. She asked <br /> the Board to look at the blue sheet from her with the revisions. <br />